Wed. Mar 19th, 2025

Submitted by Del Norte County District Attorney’s Office – June 23, 2016 –

Wilson LorThe Del Norte County District Attorney announced that a Del Norte County jury returned a guilty verdict of Rape in Concert and found true a special allegation of kidnapping for the purpose of rape against Wilson Lor (17) of Crescent City this afternoon after a trial that started on Monday.  Given the nature of the charges, Lor was prosecuted as an adult.  He will be sentenced on July 21, 2016, where he will face 34 years to life in state prison.

The charges stem from an incident that occurred in the early morning hours of January 11, 2015 when the female victim in her early twenties was walking on C Street in Crescent City towards her home when she was accosted by two yet unidentified males and forcibly taken into a nearby home where Lor resided.  After unsuccessful attempts by the three males to get her to “party” with them, the victim tried to escape through a bathroom window, which was too small to permit her escape.  The three males then forced her into a bedroom where each of them took turns raping her by force over the course of several hours.

The victim indicated that she bit the third rapist on the neck and scratched his back.  When officers executed a search warrant at the home the following evening, Lor answered the door.  He had a bite mark on his neck and scratch marks on his back.  Nine used condoms were found in the trash at the home.  The California Department of Justice analyzed the condoms and determined that DNA taken from the condoms matched Lor and two other males.  DNA from the victim was present on all nine of the condoms.  The other two males have not been identified but the DOJ has DNA profiles for them if their identity is ever ascertained and reference samples can be obtained from them and compared to the other two profiles.  The District Attorney’s Office is actively investigating the identification and apprehension of the other two males.

“This crime is as horrific and violent as it gets,” said Del Norte District Attorney Dale P. Trigg, who personally handled the prosecution and trial.  “The thought that a woman can be dragged off of one of our city streets and forced into a home where she is then brutally raped by three men over the course of several hours is horrifying,” said Trigg.  “Justice was served today,” added Trigg.

The District Attorney wants to recognize the efforts of AC Field and Justin Gill of the Investigations Bureau of the District Attorney’s Office, Crescent City Police Department Officer Jim Wright and former officer Sarah Asbury who investigated the case.  The District Attorney’s Office also wants to recognize the District Attorney’s Office Victim Witness staff and Northcoast Rape Crisis for the services they provided to the victim of this crime.  Most of all, the District Attorney wants to recognize the courage shown by the victim in coming forward and testifying.







4 thoughts on “17 Year Old Rapist Facing 34 Years in Prison”
  1. From time to time I like to look at the stories on this website. Lately it has become rather strange and disheartening as I read the vile, disgusting and completely inappropriate comments being made as in the case of this story. I like to stay informed by reading the stories and I surely respect the 1st amendment but lately it is just beyond the pale. perhaps a more diligent approach to weeding out the absurd and foolish comments would raise the sites standards a bit. I fear that this site is working towards some bizarre mission to empower would be rapists and I will not return if it continues to be supported.

    1. Maybe the comments are inappropriate to you, because you did not sit in the audience during trial…they needed to be said just the same….the first jury could not come up with a conviction….i personally lost sleep over this case…and when the victims sister comments on facebook “right or wrong rape is rape” I have an issue with that…what was that indication of…just because someone squeals rape does not mean it is so….

  2. Linda, if what you are saying is true:

    She knew she was going to get caught at some point being with an underage person. To ensure she can’t get into trouble, use the rape story. Ironically, if there was video of the situation it’d both either prove or exonerate the guys as sex attackers, or prove or exonerate the female from committing a crime of having sex with a minor yet somebody would be in big trouble for manufacturing child pornography.

    Adult male, minor female = Male goes to jail/prison. Considered “rape”.
    Minor male, minor female = Male goes to jail/prison. Considered “inappropriate” or “rape”.
    Adult female, minor male or female = Prison is unlikely. Considered “inappropriate”.
    Adult female, minor male = Prison not likely, and considered “inappropriate”.

    This is fairly common knowledge these days. If the woman was lying about saying she was raped, then it means she didn’t realize she was very unlikely to ever to go prison for this. Probation was maybe what should would have been looking at. After all, a 16 year old male is often considered a young man. However, a 16 year old girl is still considered a child.

    According to professionals, there is such thing as a female aggressor. However, to the judicial system, there is no such thing.

    There are double standards everywhere in this stuff.

    Also, whoever “raped” whoever, none of them were on any kind of sex offender registry.

    Proving once again you don’t need to worry about those on the registry as much as those who have never ended up on one. I say once again, because this is pretty much how it works.

    If the guy(s) are convicted and sent away, at least they still have the appeals process. If there is any doubt as to if a crime was committed by the guys, i’m glad there is such thing as the appeals process. If the woman was the one committing the crime and managed to successfully cover it up under a rape accusation, then it just put a child in prison.

  3. This case was and is a mess. During the first trial it became evident to me that the alleged “victim” in this case was less than truthful. the first Jury could not convict so hence a second trial.

    My concern with this matter is this….the victim claims she was dragged by two men into the house…however, no notes of brusied arms, legs or other body parts to support that claim…the victim claims, there were no weapons…There was a picture of Wilson Lor with a bandage on his neck where victim allegedly bit him, however, the DA investigator Fields states the picture does not demonstrate what he saw…to that i say this, maybe Del NOrte County should purchase a camera that does demonstrate what they are photographing or maybe staff need to take a class in how to photograph their evidence because clearly it looked like a hicky to me…but DA Trigg had to get his side kick to take the witness stand who clearly remembers from January 2015 the specifics of this photograph, however, failed to mention that in any reports….only on the court stand….
    the victim claims the first unknown perpetrator held her arms above her head, pinning her down while he managed to get her clothes off, and put on a condom…as she struggled to get free??? nobody else was holding her down…they all took turns…there were a total of 9 used condoms in the trash…5 of them had wilson Lors dna on them which does not explain to me if there was cross contamination of evidence…the alleged victim describes three incidences and at no time mentioned did they change their condoms in the middle of each act…which indicates to me there was one hell of a party going on and it was not rape….the alleged victim 24 years old…having sex with a 16 year old is a no no…i think the only victim in this case is the one on the photograph wilson Lor

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