Fri. Jul 26th, 2024


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W6HY.ORG Greetings All !  DNARC  Field Day 2021 coming up fast. June 26th and 27th. BEACH FRONT PARK, CRESCENT CITY,CASet Up : Saturday June 26th at 8am  Beach Front Park, (on the air by 10 AM ! ) in the public BBQ area next to the restrooms.Event Take Down, Sunday June 27th BY 2 pm . Here is a quick Update.


1: Joel will be showing up with the “new” DNARC trailer (courtesy of Hambro Corp.).

 2: The Del Norte Sheriffs office will be parking their Search and Rescue (RV) trailer, for our use on site.

3:  The set up crew (and ALL members welcome) INCLUDING SEVERAL MEMBERS OF THE       HUMBOLDT AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, will meet at the clubhouse 1670 Northcrest Drive at  8:00 AM to load:  THE GENERATOR  RADIOS  ANTENNAS  TABLES  CHAIRS  WIRES AND CABLES  MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE, AND “STUFF”

4: I will be bringing a canopy.

5: Joel has volunteered to provide much if not most of the FOOD AND BEVERAGES (OTHERS MAY AS WELL)  with the help of the Safeway/Walmart deli’s. Home made foods, BBQ will not be rejected. Just remember —->FOOD SAFETY – HOT THINGS HOT, COLD THINGS COLD.

6: The restrooms will be open to the public during normal business hours but only accessible to members with      a key during the off hours.

7: There will be increased patrols by CC Police and DN Sheriffs Office in the evening hours for security

.8:  Anyone wishing to donate materials (briquettes, hot dogs/buns, condiments, water, PIZZA’S, TARPS, pastries,  COFFEE, etc.) don’t be shy. Additional BBQ’s are welcome. 

9:  Remember. If we have ANYONE looking at us and asking Questions about Ham Radio, Field Day, Stop and Show them what we are doing. Have them get on the Radio and Talk , Give them One Of Our DNARC Flyers to  Join DNARC
We have Members that will be spending the Night (INCLUDING HARC MEMBERS) and Operating the Radio’s all Night and Making Contacts . Kudo’s to all that will be doing this .REMEMBER CRESCENT CITY WEATHER – IT MAY BE COLD, IT MAY BE WINDY (sprinklers will be turned off).You will be in simulated disaster conditions. You will be responsible for your own shelter and survival, with the help of an outstanding radio club.

If anyone has any questions .Please get with me . Again ……. Thank You All !

Jaime 492-8408

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