Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

By Donna Westfall – May 12, 2020 – Credit to The Sacramento Bee article,

“Northern California counties scramble to reopen. Some are confused by Newsom’s demands”


Did you notice that Del Norte County is not included.  See below for Crescent City’s continued closure.

Gruesome Newson’s Phase 2 re-opening plan is supposed to be clarified this week.  Meanwhile, counties are intrepreting his Phase 2 plan that if it has not experienced any Covid 19 deaths in the last 14 days, they can re-open.  Yuba Sutter Mall has re-opened their retail businesses after their County’s Health Officials defied the Governor’s orders.

Phase 3 includes gyms and salons which is a month away.

In attending the Crescent City, City Council meeting Monday night May 11th, Linda Sutter shares, ”

  • Did you know that state law limits the duration of a local emergency?
    Under California law, Health and Safety code section 101080, a local health emergency can last no longer than 30 days before the government must renew it. Other local emergencies are limited to 60 days before they have to be renewed, per Government code section 8630.
  • Gavin Newsome waived these laws in his “Corona Virus State of Emergency Proclamation” on March 4.

    Clearly, the elected legislature thought it was important to put some constraints on the length of time government officials could exercise unlimited power in an emergency of any kind.

    Something our local community elected have not considered. Tonight at the City Council meeting it was decided to continue an emergency of cov19 via resolution without statistics to support the continued emergency.

    Additionally, by not opening up our community, no tax revenue is getting generated. What happens when the city can’t pay bills?”

Perhaps Gov Gruesome Newsom and our local elected and hired government officials are more concerned about losing their share of the $15 billion in state-controlled federal coronavirus dollars.

This is a very slippery slope.  Some armed protestors in Michigan on April 30th resulted in government officials wearing bullet proof vests as protestors were denied access to legislative chambers while their Governor tried to extend her emergency powers due to the virus.

This morning scheduled for 10:40 am, the local Board of Supervisors agenda item number 13 will have an update by Dr. Rehwaldt on Covid 19. Do you suppose anyone will support re-opening the community businesses with just common sense constraints in place like wearing face masks for employees and continuing social distancing?

4 thoughts on “6 Counties Re-Open”
  1. Linda Sutter is spreading a false conspiracy theory. The HR 748 WAS introduced in 2019, but it WASN’T for coronavirus – it was the “Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2019.” Please refer to this link for further clarification. I know no respectable publication would allow anyone to spread lies, so please be sure everyone has access to this:

    1. I am not sure who this person really is, public personna Lisa Critz, or nasty keyboard warrior Lisa Critz. It is getting more and more difficult to tell which one is the real person.
      After having read the Reuters piece that you think seems to justify your rather rude comments, even the Reuters article doesn’t go as far as to say the conspiracy theory was totally false, merely the circumstances that would focus on the Wuhan virus had not occurred in January of 2019. When they did in 2020, the “harmless piece of Democrat sponsored legislation” was ready and waiting for words to be added to HR 748 and centralized government authority was off and running. Conspiracy theory proven true. The only stretch that Linda is guilty of is using “the” Corona virus instead of a Corona virus. HR 748 is not the harmless piece of legislation that it’s title seems to want to evoke to the public. Typical political slight of hand when naming questionable legislation.

  2. While we are all arguing about the virus i just recently found out what nobody knows. In under HR 748 this bill was introduced January 24, 2019. It is a bill on how our country was going to handle the corona virus. The bill was made into law March 27, 2020.

    One year ahead of an outbreak congress was setting up a bill to cover the corona virus. don’t take it from me look the bill up yourself it was introduced by Representative Joe Cortney democrat. it was signed by both congress and senate.

    Remember “Federal Agents arrested Dr. Charles Lieber, chair of Harvard University’s Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, with lying to the Department of Defense about secret monthly payments of $50,000.00 paid by China and receipt of millions more to help set up a chemical/biological “Research” laboratory in China. Also arrested were two Chinese “Students” working as research assistants, one of whom was actually a lieutenant in the Chinese Army, the other captured at Logan Airport as he tried to catch a flight to China – smuggling 21 vials of “Sensitive Biological Samples” according to the FBI.”

    Although facebook stated this was somewhat false do you actually think this wouldn’t be classified information? and we the people will never know the true story that surrounds this mystery?

    one place you can look for answers is On March 27, 2020 did have a transcript of Trump signing a 6.2 trillion dollar bill for coronvirus. that has since been removed.

    when you look up these kind of facts and then place confidence in white house leaders and all those leaders who follow, it is despicable that our nation has been led down the wrong path.

  3. Thankyou Linda for writing this… hopefully enough people will understand how important to get this Show on the Road again ! We need to get our City and County to understand just how important it is for businesses to start up again Johnston’s has been closed for over 50 days … our Restaurants have been closed that long too pretty soon you’re going to see Bankruptcies and people’s Goverment checks will disappear then what ? Start watching the BOS on your Computer On ZOOM ! City Council Meeting are available to watch too All MEETINGS ARE AVAILABLE TO WATCH… this is important that you understand what is happening to our City and COUNTY! Make sure you vote for the Supervisor that wants this County to survive! IT’S totally up to all of to tell the BOS and the City want you want … you’re paying their salary Be PRO ACTIVE not REACTIVE!

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