Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

By Jaime Yarbrough, Science Editor – July 12, 2021

What am I about to read? Why do I need to read it? How will it make my life better?

Once again, forgive me for my absence but as you know it’s summer, and there are places to go and things to do. Thank you for your congratulations for having the 2nd place winner in the 4th of July parade (DNHS Class of 1970)! It was a team effort.

Part of my absence has also been due to the immensity of the next topic: brainwashing.

Synonyms for brainwashing include conditioning, persuasion, indoctrination, influencing, re-education, drilling, programming, propaganda, proselytism and propagandism …

I am certain most of you have heard one or more of these terms lately and wondered, “how did we get here?” This is a simple, logical but extraordinarily complex question that cannot be easily answered without a full understanding of the history of humans from living in a cave through the twisted corridors of the human experience on this planet.

It is, however, a particularly important question to ask. Not only from the aspect that the answer is equally important but today, because of the affects of the subject, far too many people are NOT asking. One would think unfortunately, superficially, in the short term, from successive prior generations. While this is a “science” article there are subjects in the humanities that have very scientific aspects that are like true science.  Archaeology, anthropology, paleontology and a host of other ‘ologies’. The primary ‘ology’ we will be examining two primary sciences, biology, the science of life and psychology, the science of the mind.

Part of the reason I have chosen this topic is because it is currently topical, AKA in the news. No doubt, unless you live under a rock you are aware of the turmoil surrounding our schools, critical race theory, the ‘dumbing down of America’, the practice of indoctrination rather than education, the war being waged against “big tech” for the acclaimed censorship and manipulation of social media and the struggle to defend our Constitutional First amendment. By now you are either totally engaged to see what answers you might find or enraged at a perceived bias or unfounded claims.  Therefore, I hope to, as best I can, look at how we got here as objectively as I can.

To be fair, this should be a multi-part article, giving space between the first, second, and third sections of the timeline. And for people to weigh in, ask questions and give their perspectives.  One of the many reasons I am curious about how we got here is I am here with you. “We”, includes me!  So, with that let us back stroke to the stone age.

Regardless of how you might view the presence of humans on this planet most will recognize the relation of human beings to the rest of the animal kingdom. There are many solitary creatures that are created and until they propagate live their lives as single creatures. They live their lives only to breed with others of their kind and have no other interaction.

But the greater animals belong to ‘families.’ The offspring recognize their parents and for some time after their birth remain with them. All animals are endowed with ‘instincts’ that guide them either singularly or in families how to survive. These ‘survival’ instincts are critical and, as we will see, the framework for some of our greatest challenges. Starting out with, unless ‘asexuality’ is involved there are two genders. Each gender has its own natural instincts. These instincts start with the first breath. They are part of the organisms DNA. Those instincts are responsible for finding shelter, food and in mating. Here there is a crossing of the lines between biology and psychology as first or most notably by Charles Darwin and Abraham Maslow’s observance of his ‘Hierarchy of Needs.’

There are many other works that go into depth about these instincts such as The Territorial Imperative: by Robert Ardrey. Within these investigative works are a wealth of information ‘who we are’ and ‘why we do what we do, that are, for the most part not taught in schools, per se. As the world became more populated with living plants and animals’ things became complicated. Most of you have seen Stanley Kubrick’s ‘2001 A Space Odyssey’ and recognize how the first primate picked up a bone and realized he could use it as a tool, to kill. This led to hunting other animals for food, increasing the size of the brain and reasoning power and overall health of humans.

Of some of the characteristics of families there are the realization of companionship. With offspring comes recognition of responsibility and protection of possessions. Whether it is man, humans, lion cubs, wolves or a million other animal species the instincts are similar. Here is where territory is established. It is widely said that sentience or self-awareness is the hallmark of intelligent life. “I think, therefor I am,” is how man claims his existence. However, almost animals have the recognition of their personal space and if you violate it, they will likely react, instinctively, no thinking involved.

Observing the natural world is one of the most important activities of any species but especially humanity. Nature always has something to teach us. On our tour to ‘how we got HERE’ we have stepped on a very fast-moving train and things are going to get equally complicated. I feel now is a good point to end Part I and invite comments. I will try not to leave you hanging too long for Part II.

Be well, stay safe.


3 thoughts on “Why do I Need to Know about Science . . . . #12”
  1. To Mr. Algis, I cannot prove a negative. I wasn’t there and will not criticize you directly about your belief that you are entitled to. From a purely biological aspect, which is the only factual record we have in substance I quote the Khan Academy (see the reference below) “Homo sapiens, the first modern humans, evolved from their early hominid predecessors between 200,000 and 300,000 years ago. They developed a capacity for language about 50,000 years ago.
    The first modern humans began moving outside of Africa starting about 70,000-100,000 years ago.
    Humans are the only known species to have successfully populated, adapted to, and significantly altered a wide variety of land regions across the world, resulting in profound historical and environmental impacts.”

    To Ms. Cow, I thought of naming my article “The World According to Jaime” but it sounded to narcissistic/self centered. Few these days would bother to look into a mirror to see someone else’s image. Besides where is the controversary ? You know the saying, the easiest way to start an argument on the internet: State any opinion and wait. The more sensitive the topic, the better.
    I was asked what ‘title’ I wanted, as a contributor, to this online paper and I had no idea. I’ve never written ‘a running article’ before. When the suggestion was made “science editor” I thought it was safe. However, I soon found out that I wasn’t the one, as an editor, to be writing the article, only ‘editing’ them. When I offered this page to anyone to write whatever they wanted here I got crickets. When I asked for comments, suggestions, etc… crickets again. One of the things I was hoping for, and it seems to be starting to work is, dialog. Sure I look to enlighten but not bore people who ‘know it all.’ The entire internet is available for anyone to research and learn practically any subject. I force no one to read my brain dribble. This is America, and we have the facility of a free press (except for Facebook). Thanks for dropping in.

    Khan Academy:

    The easiest way to start an argument on the internet:

  2. According to the scripture in the New Testament, Paul writes ( Romans 3:23), for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. He quotes from Isaiah (OT) , There is none righteous, no, not one. (Romans 1:10-18). Paul doesn’t mince words like some Neo-Darwinist, hoping to explain the unexplained. Whether brainwashing, the New Progressive left, or cultural determinism, it is birthed ” by the new pagan Darwinian anti-creation myth that man is a dehumanized aspect and/or aggregate of matter evolving within energy-streams of the cosmos. Man is therefore a product of unseen energies – of time, chance and evolution – working on matter, thus he is a soulless hominid, holon, or digital element whose genetic identity is determined for example, by skin color, sexual appetites, and feelings. This proposition rejects the concepts of the human spirit/soul, personhood, individuality, free will, and morally informed conscience because it emphatically denies the existence of the Triune Creator God of the Bible. (Gen. 1-11)”. Darwinist belief is the “dumbing down of America”.
    “Since evolution implies continuous change, Progressivism claims that immutable (unchanging) truths do not exist, therefore there is nothing immutable in the Bible or the Christian Church, or for that matter in Americas’ Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights and Rule of Law. All are subject to change since all things are infused with divine spirit, power, intent, natural selection, determinism, and motion. Thus Christianity itself lives and evolves, and must be changed.” The “backstroke to the stone age” and it’s implication of man’s being a more highly evolved animal as opposed to Coram Deo, made in God’s image, is the death of western civilization. With utter impunity we are reduced via Darwin and Maslow, to “natural instincts” instead that God blessed and made them male and female, told to be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it, have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing (that God created) that moves on the earth. Instead, we have been reduced to believe we are apart of the chain that is choking us to death. You’ve been brainwashed my friend.

  3. Definition of “ramble”
    (intransitive verb)

    1a: to move aimlessly from place to place
    rambled through the little town
    b: to explore idly
    “After one rambles through the maps for a time … some overall impressions begin to emerge.”
    — John Noble Wilford

    2a: to talk or write in an aimless, erratic, and often long-winded fashion
    “The hunk starts to ramble on and on, and the women seem quite annoyed.”
    — Monk Magazine
    b: to be related or written in a long-winded or wandering fashion
    “a story that rambles”


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