Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

By Kevin Kiley – June 24, 2024

Gavin Newsom is a threat to democracy. The extraordinary events of the last week have made that clearer than ever.

First, at Newsom’s request the CA Supreme Court removed the Taxpayer Protection Act from the ballot. The Proposition would have subjected any tax increase to a vote of the people. This gives two of Newsom’s top priorities – increasing taxes and silencing voters – a major boost.

Second, Newsom’s attempt to subvert the End Prop. 47 initiative has reached cartoonish depths of corruption. The good news is it appears we’ve stopped his “poison pill” plan; it was so outrageous Newsom couldn’t even get the Supermajority on board.

Yet now, just 3 days before the deadline to finalize November’s ballot, Newsom has thrown together his own competing initiative for the sole purpose of confusing voters. As I discussed on Fox News, Newsom’s antics are uniting Republicans and Democrats in opposition.

Third, Newsom has cancelled the State of the State, opting for a pre-recorded video. This is what giving up looks like. He’d hoped to escape the problems he’s created for California by replacing Biden; with that delusion shattered, his only goal now is to limit further embarrassment.

In D.C. this week, I’ll question Pete Buttigieg in one hearing, and I’m chairing another hearing as part of our investigation into American universities. I joined Fox News to discuss the investigation and how we are starting to turn the tide against the corruption of American higher education.

One more note on the End Prop. 47 initiative: I just got word that we doubled the previous record for signatures collected by volunteers. This is why Newsom and the Supermajority are so desperate. The people of California are reclaiming control of our state.

Help me fight to reclaim our state

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Kevin Kiley is a California Congressman

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