Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Submitted By Linda Sutter – August 29, 2021

AB455 is a state law that will force state, county, and city workers to get the COVID Vaccine. If you choose not to receive the vaccine you will be mandated by law to get a weekly test for covid.

The passing of this law will require you to carry a vaccine card. You will not be allowed to be served in any restaurant without the vaccine card. You will not be able to attend any event, movie theater or Broadway show without the vaccine card. You will not be able to purchase gas, rent a hotel room, without the vaccine card.

If this bill passes, regardless who gets elected for Governor, this law will not go away. Is this what we want California? Make your voice heard by calling your representatives. Melt down their phone lines.

Mike McGuire’s phone at state capital is 916-651-4002

Eureka number is 707-445-6508

Santa Rosa Office is 707-576-2771

San Rael 415-479-6612

Ukiah Office 707-468-8914

Crescent City Office 707-464-1255

Call all of these numbers and say vote NO on AB455

One thought on “AB455”
  1. Make phone calls and waste your time. They will not listen to you. How many appeals to reason have we seen in the last two years fall upon deaf ears? How many appeals to freedom and basic decency unheeded?

    All they understand is force.

    Show up at your city and county councils with shotguns and rifles and hold them there until they pass an ordinance nullifying these state mandates.

    If you do not FIGHT for your freedom, there will never be another chance.

    This is expressely why the second ammendment was written–to give the people a method for countering tyranny.

    Look your children in the eyes and ask what kind of world you want to leave for them.

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