Thu. Feb 6th, 2025

By Donna Westfall – February 27, 2020 – Our friends in Japan are keeping us informed about the Coronavirus in that part of the world. In today’s edition of The Mainichi, Japan’s National Daily since 1922, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the government will request all elementary, junior high and high schools in Japan to close from Monday until the end of a spring break through early April amid concern over the spread of the new coronavirus.

One friend, Mr. Murata,  has informed us that as of February 26th, there were 137 infected with seven deaths.  They are all sold out of masks. He goes on to say, “Many events were canceled and no guest match like baseball opening game. Alcohol disinfectant is placed at entrance of restaurants and other shops. This virus gives big damage to over 60 years old people. But young people death rate is very low. I think students who got a fever they should have inspection to avoid group transmission.”

I’ve known Mr. Murata for 50 years.  Besides being a great fisherman, father and grandfather, he’s a very honest and conscientious man. His English isn’t perfect, but very understandable.

I spoke with Danielle in Administration at Sutter Coast Hospital on February 25th to inquire if there was anyone infected with the virus at the hospital and her response was, “No.”

Face masks are currently out of stock at several of the local stores.  Home Depot still has face masks used for spray painting.  Hopefully, this virus does not affect or infect our local population, but it still makes sense to be cautious for the next couple of weeks.

2 thoughts on “Abe asks all schools in Japan to temporarily close over coronavirus”
  1. tonight on world news it was advised that anyone who had been to china, Japan, and three other countries get tested for the corona virus. The high School students returned from Japan on the 22 of this month. it will be approximately 2-3 weeks before we can safely say no one from the school including the principal are affected by this virus…it is unfortunate none of them were required to be tested and walk around like no virus exist. at the very minimum they should have all been quarantined when they came back here instead a potential petri dish exists at the high school.

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