The monthly meeting of the Pelican Bay Amateur Radio Club (PBARC) in Brookings, OR will be on 20 December so as not to conflict with the holiday’s. Their regular meetings are held at The Chetco Activity Center, located at 550 Chetco Lane, in Brookings, OR at 7 PM – 8PM the LAST FRIDAY of the month. After the meeting from 8 PM – 9 PM is their activity/project portion where the nuts and bolts of hams are explored by the members. All meetings are open to the public. Membership, currently at 50 members, costs $25 with discounts for family members.
The Del Norte Amateur Radio and PBARC members frequently attend each others meetings in not only the pursuit of the hobby/craft but to foster relationships in preparation for each others service to the respective communities in association with the same Office of Emergency Services. Disasters like earthquakes, and tsunami’s have no respect for state lines.
For more information contact:
Pelican Bay Amateur Radio Club 146.960 Mhz (-) tone 88.5 ![](chrome-extension://nfengeggddojhakldhlpjdlddgkkjkdd/Plugin/img/safe.png)
Del Norte Amateur Radio club 146.880 Mhz (-) tone 136.5
W6HY Del Norte Amateur Radio Club on Facebook