Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Opinion Piece By Donna Westfall – July 14, 2018 –

This evening at 6 pm, Candidate for California Secretary of State, Mark Meuser, will be meeting the public at the Ocean View Inn & Suites located at 270 Hwy 101 South in Crescent City.

What makes him extraordinary?  He’s on a 5,000 mile bike tour, holding 100 rallies and visiting each and every of the 58 counties in our State.

“Those who know me know that I love talking to voters as I campaign around the state of California. To date I have attended over 500 events and driven over 65,000 miles in California. As a result, I have received over 2 million votes by liberty loving Californians.

Those who know me also know that I love going for long bike rides. I have decided that I am going to combine two things I love and tour the state of California on my bicycle. This means I will ride 5,000 miles, visit all 58 counties, and hold around 100 rallies. The tour will start on July 9th in Contra Costa and will end in Orange County on August 23.”

This bike tour is a great opportunity for me to discuss with all Californians the need to improve voter integrity in this state.”

That’s what makes him extraordinary.  He wants to clean up our voter rolls. This is critically important.

Back in 2010, we ran an article about Senator Doug LaMalfa’s visit to our County. When audience members questioned him, one of the concerns was then Secretary of State, Deborah Bowen’s lack of addressing complaints about the problems with vote counting and not just in our County indicating that she’s far more interested in running for Congress.

Joining Mark Meuser tonight is Karen Sanders, chair of the Del Norte Republican Central Committee with this message about the party values, “Those core values are individual liberty, responsibility and accountability; protecting property rights; encouraging free enterprise; law and order; public health and safety; leaner, efficient government; and fiscal responsibility.”

This event is open to the public which includes a pasta dinner. Suggestion donation, $20 per person.  All money raised will go to Mark Meuser.



One thought on “An extraordinary man: Mark Meuser”
  1. I have a question for Mr. Meuser. when collecting signatures for an initiative what constitutes the county clerk from discounting signatures when the people still live in the county but have moved within the county without changing their address? Especially when the County Clerk failed to send out notices to approximately 300 people who signed a petition to assure they still lived in the county?

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