March 19, 2024
Every vote counts, especially in a close election like the one for Proposition 1. Two weeks after the March 5 primary it is still too close to call. Right now it leads by only 19,617 votes out of more than 7 million cast. (See below for why HJTA recommended a vote of no on Proposition 1.)
As of yesterday, there are about 42,000 vote-by-mail ballots statewide that were rejected for a missing signature or signature mismatch.
To find out if your vote-by-mail ballot was counted, please go to this link and check:
If your ballot was not counted because of a problem with the signature on the ballot return envelope, you can fill out a simple form and send it to the county to “cure” the problem. You can even return the form by email.
Make sure your vote counts! If you find that it did not, contact your county elections office immediately and tell them you want to cure your signature. Here’s the list of contact information for all 58 county offices:
Thank you for voting, and as always, thank you for your support of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association!
Jon Coupal is President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association
This was HJTA’s recommendation on Proposition 1:
Proposition 1 is a $6.38 billion bond (bonds are how the state borrows money, which taxpayers must repay, with interest, over many years). Although Proposition 1 is advertised as a “transformational” solution to mental health care and homelessness, it is not. The $6.38 billion will pay for only 6,800 beds in treatment facilities and fewer than 4,500 units of housing for the homeless, including homeless veterans, according to the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office. There are more than 170,000 individuals experiencing homelessness in California.
Existing mental health services are threatened by Proposition 1, which raids current funding for county mental health programs paid for by the 1% “millionaire’s tax” approved by voters two decades ago. That will cause counties to scramble for funds to continue existing programs, and it could increase pressure for tax increases in counties throughout California. Moreover, Proposition 1 violates all the basic principles of sound bond financing, including the constitutional requirement that the money raised is for a “single work or project.” Vote No on Proposition 1.
Paid for by No New Taxes, a Project of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association