Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

By Linda Sutter- May 2, 2017 –

On March 28, 2017, Supervisor’s Cowan, Howard, and Hemmingsen violated the Brown act when Lori Cowan made a motion that she go to Washington D.C.  as an alternate quickly seconded by Gerry Hemmingsen and passed by a vote of three with two dissenting. This was in violation of the Brown Act because it was not on the Agenda.

Supervisor Gitlin alleged that the three were conspiring and requested an affidavit be signed that they did not call each other and plan this Brown Act in triangulation. All three Supervisors; Cowan, Howard, and Hemmingsen publicly agreed to provide the affidavit however, to date only one, Supervisor Hemmingsen, provided an affidavit.

On April 25, 2017 during the Board of Supervisor meeting, Gerry Hemmingsen provided his affidavit to Supervisor Gitlin. Gerry Hemmingsen supplied a “statement” instead of an affidavit and was requested to sign his statement and notarize with penalty of perjury.  Hemmingsen was verbally dissatisfied that he had to comply with such a request, which is his duty to do as a supervisor to provide transparency. Hence, Hemmingsen is awarded the “CRYING TOWEL AWARD.”

The Crying Towel Award is for that special Supervisor who complains he or she must fulfill their duty as requested to demonstrate their honesty, integrity, and fortitude that they are doing the right thing by providing complete transparency when asked. It is for that special Supervisor who publicly and openly provides crocodile tears for his audience when he or she is displeased with their own questionable actions. And it is for that Special Supervisor who happens to be the senior Supervisor of the Board, who would like to go along to get along without any dissension like the current bobble heads that represent the City of Crescent City.

We at Crescent City Times would like to announce the Crying Towel Award to Supervisor Gerry Hemmingsen for all the reasons stated above. Congratulations!


  1. A “statement” instead of an affidavit? Can you provide some detail on that? Thanks

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