Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

By Donna Westfall

Last year, Memorial Day, Desera Johnson’s husband was checking out assisted living facilities in the area.  Desera was bed ridden and unable to take care of her basic needs.

Husband, Jake, a commercial fisherman was away the majority of the year and very concerned that her caregivers were not giving consistently good care.

Even if she got into a place like Addie Meedom, her life expectancy didn’t look good.

Then all that changed when Jake, attended a doTerra presentation about essential oils.  Both he and Desera started taking the product and within two weeks Desera noticed a marked improvement in her health.

Just by taking the doTerra vitamins and essential oil products she states that it gave her her life back.  As her health improved, she moved from the bed, into a wheelchair, onto a walker and then a cane.  And, today she walks without any assistance plus she lost 57 pounds.

Just one year later, Desera not only walks, talks, takes care of all her own needs but she also helps to take care of her cute little grandson. And handles three businesses.

Last year she was taking 17 prescription medications.  Today, she’s down to only four. She is a walking testimony to the good that doTerra products can do.  She considers it a miracle.

Check the doTerra link for further information and a calendar of classes.

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DISCLAIMER: Products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information provided here is in no way intended to replace proper medical help.

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