Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Opinion Piece By Linda Sutter – June 28, 2021

Today at 0900 a.m. The Del Norte County District Clerk Alissa Northrup recounted the Crescent Protection Fire District ballots.

It should be noted that prior from me leaving my home I received a telephone call. The caller asked not to be so hard on Alissa Northrup because she is soooo nice. Who Cares how nice someone is, Ted Bundy was nice and look at how many girls he murdered.

On June 15th after Ms. Northrup counted the ballots the first time there were a total of 1734 Ballots that were received and the outcome was the Fire District TAx was defeated. But today low and behold a miracle occurred.

4 MORE Ballots were FOUND!!! Now there are 1738 Ballots.4 More ballots were found and the rationalization stated by Ms. Northrup was, “Well 2 were YES votes and 2 were NO votes.” REALLY? Where in the hell did they come from? How is it there were 1734 ballots counted on June 15, assuring the public that only one yes vote had ended up in the wrong pile but today, well 4 more votes magically appeared?

Folks, this is the highest degree of election fraud and anyone who says different are ridiculous. So, now not only do we need to recall 4 board members of the Fire District but it appears that there is no integrity whatsoever with our County Clerk, Alissa Northrup.

Additionally, let’s bring some more attention to the Crescent Fire Protection District. On June 24th, at 5 pm there was a protest/rally in front of the fire district. As soon as the Triplicate News writer showed up, a fire engine and emergency vehicle rode out of the station with their lights fired up. Of course when they got to the stoplight the red lights stopped. But where were they going, you say? To Kids Town. verified by the call log.

The Crescent City Fire District is located downtown in Crescent City. They have their own fire district. Why did you, the taxpayer, pay to have our jurisdiction respond to calls in the downtown area?

Well the Fire District Clerk Vanessa Duncan stated it well., “Oh we interchange the calls.” REALLY? So a few taxpayers that support the Fire District on Washington Blvd must pay for incidents downtown but the citizens of Crescent City don’t have a tax on their property to support the benefit assessment tax?

People when will you wake up? I don’t mind paying a tax if everyone else has to pay it but I do mind when I’m paying a tax and everyone else gets by for free.

Don’t shoot me, I’m just the messenger.

More news later.

  1. No.
    Couldn’t believe the Sales Taxes passed, hmmm
    Now the schools will be asking for their annual $.
    And the Fairgrounds will be asking again.
    It doesn’t stop./

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