Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

By Angry Old American, Copyright June 8th, 2020, All Rights Reserved.

Could rioting and looting happen in a small town like Crescent City? Would outside organizers and agitators find reason to pillage an already economically bereft, crumbling and faltering County like Del Norte?

The mainstream media has been filled with “News” of protests, riots, looting, vandalism and arson. Most all channels of public programming have been in support of open rebellion and most recent cries for outright anarchy in big cities. It has been emphasized that the majority of those involved are “Peaceful Protestors.” This is an important distinction to make… A peaceful protest consists of exercising one’s First Amendment Right to peaceful assembly and free speech. It does not however include behavior that poses a danger to persons or property.

Rioters, looters and those involved in vandalism and arson have an agenda beyond protesting. They infiltrate those who are lawfully protesting to either use them as human shields; or to incite thrill seekers in the crowd to acts of violence. Indeed, they might even instigate and organize a peaceful protest simply to use it for more nefarious purposes. These dangerous elements are composed of groups dedicated to the overthrow of America, profit seeking organized crime groups and street gangs, along with coordinating entities such as ANTIFA.

What is ANTIFA?

ANTIFA, or “Anti-Fascist Action” has been portrayed throughout the Obama Administration by the mainstream media as descendents of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade that battled Fascists in Spain in the 1930s, and later against Mussolini in Italy and Hitler in Nazi Germany. The mainstream media bring up heroic visions of Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman in Hemingway’s “For Whom the Bell Tolls.” Until recently ANTIFA has recruited from Leftist breeding-grounds on college campuses under the pretext of fighting White-Supremacist and Nazi control of the American establishment.

Others view ANTIFA as a radical Leftist paramilitary organization dedicated to the overthrow of the United States of America as it exists today; a group dedicated to the abolition of our Republic along with law and order under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

In truth, ANTIFA is a loose confederation composed of violent radical anarchist, communist and environmental groups along with extremist gender identity, sexual practice, and racial power organizations claiming to be against white supremacist, corporatist, capitalist, militarist, and right-wing establishment entities. They are well-organized and funded, receiving support from both domestic sources and from agents of countries who are dedicated to the destruction of the United States. At the top, their leadership are dedicated radicals advised mostly by well-paid prior military and intelligence mercenaries with experience in strategy, tactics, logistics and sophisticated use of technology such as encrypted communications, and microwave jamming devices. Many of ANTIFA’s sub-groups have links to international radical and violent Islamist, communist and anarchist terrorist groups along with sleeper cells laying in wait in the United States.

ANTIFA’s predecessors are less akin to the Abraham Lincoln Brigades than they are to the violent Weather Underground of the 1960s. Indeed, the Weather Underground gained much legitimacy during the Obama Administration with past members being pardoned to great accolades in the mainstream media.

The booklet “Prairie Fire” was published by the Weather Underground to incite revolutionary violence on the streets of America. Prairie Fire was a reprint of training materials given to American radicals hosted during a “Cuban Sugarcane Harvest.” These Marxist Revolutionaries who were trained in espionage, sabotage, terrorism, improvised munitions, subversion and insurrection returned to America as the Vencerimos Brigades, Black Liberation Army and Weather Underground. Revolutionary groups of the 1960s and early 1970s were subsequently involved in the bombing of public buildings, jail and prison breaks, along with ambushes and executions of police officers, judges and elected officials. Cooperative links were forged with international terrorist organizations such as the Palestinian Liberation Front, Palestinian Liberation Organization, Black September, Baader-Meinhoff Gang, the Red Brigades and others.

Violent activities by legacy terrorist groups have been painted by Leftist radicals as justified actions. Most all of the terrorist groups of the 1960s and 1970s have been normalized under the Socialist Democrat regime of Barak Obama and painted as heroic in the eyes of many Americans; especially in the mainstream media. Indeed, most of these groups were removed from the terrorist watch list under the Obama Administration and were given full legitimacy.

ANTIFA is likewise viewed by those on the Radical Left with a patina of romanticism; but the truth is far from what is being portrayed by the media.

Most interviews captured for broadcast to the public are of front-line underlings who have received basic training and are simply following orders. The public has seen the faces of indoctrinated soldiers, but has no idea of the Army which they comprise. The strategies and tactics, methods of operation, rules and regulations are ripped from the pages of Prairie Fire and other publications aimed at the systematic and sophisticated overthrow of free countries of the West.

Before launching their activities, ANTIFA groups conduct a reconnaissance of  a community similar to the way a burglar or robber cases a jewelry store or bank. The initial Recon will determine what indigenous manpower is available, the value of targets in the community and if the town or location itself is a “Soft” or a “Hard” target. Next will come professional agitators to incite and organize among the radical and criminal elements of the community. Among these agitators will be the first wave of “friendly” independent social media to document injustices and radical legal support advisors. Then come the Coordinators who determine targets, and establish a plan to inflict damage to high value infrastructural and symbolic targets, to loot for effect, and stage Psychological Operations (PSYOP) events to be covered by independent social media and sold to “The News” for propaganda purposes.

Historical monuments and buildings, government buildings, shopping areas, utilities, transportation hubs, harbors and upscale neighborhoods are all prime targets. Their aim is to shut down the entire community and use the protest as a diversion while collateral paramilitary operations are launched against their chosen targets. Marches and crowds of protestors may seem to be aimlessly moving through the community, but they are directed through encrypted communications to strategic locations to support attacks, or to orchestrate predetermined “Swarms” for looting. Sometimes the protestors are used to create a diversion, and at other times they are used to block traffic. At all times they are simply being herded by a force that they do not even know exists.

ANTIFA and other terrorist groups will provide logistical support for elements who have infiltrated the protesters. This will include loudspeakers, blow-horns, whistles, water, food, and even medical supplies. Pre-positioned makeshift barricade materials along with containers and pallets of bricks, rocks, glass bottles, gasoline and other accelerants, and frozen water bottles near targeted locations will also be provided. They likewise will prepare countermeasures for tear gas used by law enforcement. Radicals have recently targeted law enforcement facilities themselves for arson attacks in large cities. In recent days they have even occupied entire police precincts in Minneapolis, Portland, and Seattle.

Expect to see plenty of independent social media reporters and trained PSYOP victim-shills interspersed in crowds. These will be “Crises Actors” trained to become photo-op targets for propaganda against law enforcement. Like any good stunt man or professional wrestler, when filmed from the proper angle, they know how to take a convincing fall or absorb a “punch;” even when a blow is never delivered. Plenty of sympathetic social media will be pointed to just the right spot to capture a sensational shot that will command the highest dollar and make the greatest “Social Impact.” Social media documentation is then sold to mainstream media along with “First Hand Accounts” and “Witnesses” for broadcast to the public. The reward for the actors with the most bumps and bruises, and especially blood, is both public recognition and sympathy, paid newspaper accounts and television appearances; not to mention a sizable civil judgment after suing the “Offending” Officer, Department and Municipality.

Most reconnaissance and professional agitators are paid directly for their services. Many are recruited on Craigslist and other online venues and bussed into the target location.

What are the chances that little Crescent City could be targeted? How would we know if we have been targeted? What can we, as a community do to protect ourselves from such a threat?

Crescent City is a remote coastal community far from the big cities that have been recent targets of attack. However, we do have targets that would benefit ANTIFA and other terrorist organizations. Pelican Bay State Prison, Crescent City Harbor, and our Redwood Parks would be prime high-profile news-grabbing propaganda-worthy targets. Ambushes and attacks on police departments have been launched in towns with populations below thirty thousand. Because of the California “Stay at Home Order,” our two Casinos and most commercial enterprises offer little opportunity for looting; but could be targets for vandalism or arson; but this could change when Casinos reopen. Certainly our utilities could become targets in order to cause the community to become uninhabitable. The question of whether our community is a soft or hard target is up for debate. Our vulnerability would rest with how many radical and organized criminal elements are available for use. The level of our public commitment to law and order, community vigilance, and cooperation with law enforcement are the biggest factors.

Hopefully, ANTIFA and their allied terrorist groups will be halted during the reconnaissance phase. Recon elements will gravitate to blend in with existing criminal and radical groups to collect intelligence on our community. If they are identified, confronted and warned-off, then we would be perceived as a hard target. Depopulation and release from jails only increase the threat. ANTIFA Reconnaissance might also see enough security and community involvement to move on to easier secondary targets.

Once professional outside-agitators arrive, we must assume that our community has already become a target. By then, they have determined that the value of local objectives and vulnerability of our community warrant capital investment into an insurgent operation. Hiring professional agitators and busing-in volunteers from outside the community requires a sizable outlay of cash.

Outside agitators in a small town like ours will stick out like a sore thumb. Their job is to be vocal and disruptive leaders, and they are trained to know enough of the law to hide under the cloak of free speech. They will be accompanied by the vanguard of independent social media, crises actors, and legal teams for the collection of both PSYOP resources and to document future financial litigation opportunities.

The arrival of the actual Coordinating Leadership will be less obvious. These will be the professionals; “Grey Men and Women” who dress and act in ways to avoid notice. These professionals will not remotely resemble the front-line radicals on the street. The front-line ANTIFA soldiers portrayed in the mainstream media most often do not even know this upper echelon exists. If they are negotiating a pallet of bricks from a local hardware store, they will have a cover story for the purchase. They will fit in with other sightseers while cruising town in out-of-state of rental vehicles, taking photographs and making notes. Most likely, they will be well-financed and staying in local hotel or motel accommodations. They might also be among the throngs of RV vacationers that have become the fashion during the pandemic.

There is little that can be done by the community at-large unless there is an awareness and acknowledgment of threat from our leaders. We have all seen the complicity of Mayors and city administrators in large cities in support of outright insurrection. Many of these political leaders have promised to defund their law enforcement agencies in support of public anarchy. We can only hope that this will not be the case here in Del Norte County.

Law enforcement agencies, as cash-strapped, overworked and unappreciated as they are, will have even more work to do. In the middle of a Pandemic, with all the rest of their routine and additional tasks, these agencies will be required to manage intelligence about unusual activities along with providing community education and guidance.

We can all protect ourselves and our community by proactive vigilance. If we
see any of the warning signs of professional terrorist infiltration, we should
contact our local Police Department or Sheriff’s Office immediately. Take
photographs of suspicious vehicles, license plates and people as evidence.
Often, just knowing their photos have been taken can be a deterrent. Shop
keepers might be suspicious of unusual orders or odd out-of-place delivery
locations for items like brick and rock. The more alert and cognizant people in
our community are, the better.

The arrival of the actual Coordinating Leadership will be less obvious. These will be the professionals; “Grey Men and Women” who dress and act in ways to avoid notice. These professionals will not remotely resemble the front-line radicals on the street. The front-line ANTIFA soldiers portrayed in the mainstream media most often do not even know this upper echelon exists. If they are negotiating a pallet of bricks from a local hardware store, they will have a cover story for the purchase. They will fit in with other sightseers while cruising town in out-of-state of rental vehicles, taking photographs and making notes. Most likely, they will be well-financed and staying in local hotel or motel accommodations. They might also be among the throngs of RV vacationers that have become the fashion during the pandemic.

Law enforcement agencies, as cash-strapped, overworked and unappreciated as they are, will have even more work to do. In the middle of a Pandemic, with all the rest of their routine and additional tasks, these agencies will be required to manage intelligence about unusual activities along with providing community education and guidance.

Law enforcement would be wise to take this opportunity to organize neighborhood watch groups and train them in their rights to self-defense. Citizens should be trained about their defense rights during a riot. We all know that lethal force can be used to defend against home invasion; but what about lethal force to defend against arson of the dwelling they inhabit, or those of our neighbors? What about breaking glass and attacks with bricks and rocks and weapons of opportunity? What are our rights to defend ourselves or neighbors on a street full of rioters if forced to leave burning homes?

Ultimately, it is the responsibility of all citizens to protect themselves and their community. We should value, respect and honor our law enforcement officers and work with them to keep our community secure during these times of peril. If we don’t, we will be no better off than the big cities who have invited anarchy to reign.

Our mainstream media have grasped the recent public unrest both to boost ratings and promote agendas that they their owners and advertisers desire. It is important for all of us to remember that there are no laws requiring the media to tell the truth. If actual harm is caused by their lies, they may provide a simple retraction. As the Yellow Journalists of the early 1900s learned, subsequent legal judgments for damages are often outweighed by income derived from their initial lies. This is a time for the public to be wary of deception.

“It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

Mark Twain

4 thoughts on “ANTIFA in Crescent City?”
  1. Good commentary, but I would like to see any evidence of the funding trail you claim. I have been told they receive 200$ a day and 50$ expenses, ( but without solid evidence)

  2. Dear Angry Old American …Thank you so much for Educating me about Antifa, everybody in CrescentCity should read this article ….it is a true and complete education on Antifa and why they come to our little City! We certainly need to be on the lookout because they will most likely rear their Angry heads in the future! Great great article … Thanks for sharing!

  3. Maybe you should go by the fair grounds today and hassle the three protesters.
    They are probably the 1st antifa wave!
    Your obscured sense of of the radical left wing is the same as my sense of the racism in our county. Just look at the Tolowa tribe massacre if you need to straighten your moral compass.

    1. Now that you have your virtue signaling out of the way, please explain your “sense of the racism in our country”. Try to stick to actual racism in modern America if you can. It seems to have taken on a whole different meaning these days, or at the very least a tremendously expanded definition. Oh, and spare me the white privileged propaganda. It, racism, most certainly isn’t exclusive. Try expanding your horizons and try again.

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