Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

By Jaime Yarbrough, President, Del Norte Amateur Radio Club – June 29, 2020

This last weekend the Del Norte Amateur Radio Club ( ) participated in the American Radio Relay League Field Day. Due to COVID-19 our typical installation at Beach Front Park did not take place.  Field Day for Amateur radio is always the last full weekend of June where Ham clubs and individuals simulate “emergency conditions” and reach out to other Ham operators “nationwide” on various radio frequencies. Typically it is an open house for Ham radio to invite the public to see it in action and stimulate interest in the community.  Several clubs compete for the number of contacts made. Instead, clubs and members, this year wishing to participate will do so in modified ‘social distancing mode,’ where they did not meet at a central location but operate their Ham radios from either their homes or automobiles.
For more background about what ARRL Field Day is here is a link:
This year a number of operators, Joel Wallen, Christie Lynn Rust, Cameron Eller, Gideon Kohler, Paul Senyszyn joined the Del Norte County Sherrif’s Office Search and Rescue, Ed Fleshman at a communications facility on a mountain high above Gasquet.
For more information on Del Norte Search & Rescue, you can find it here:

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