Fri. Mar 14th, 2025 12:27:32 PM

By Donna Westfall  – October 6, 2017 – Every weekday morning at 6 am, Supervisor 5th District, Bob Berkowitz sits in the back room of Fisherman’s Restaurant.  He has opened the table up to conversation about this town and what can be done.  This morning’s topics ranged from a severe rodent problem at the animal shelter to whether or not an initiative or referendum on the June or November 2018 ballot could overturn the $96,000 interest payment made back to Del Norte County by Del Norte County because BCRAA couldn’t pay the interest on the $2.8 million airport terminal project.

It didn’t stop there.

Joining Berkowitz was Supervisor 1st District, Roger Gitlin, Linda Sutter, Bonnie Brown, Hank Northrip, Roger White.  Was County Counsel spewing gobbledygook when she said the budget could be passed by a 3-2 vote rather than a 4-1 vote?  Or is it true that only revisions to the budget can be passed by a 4-1 vote? This last budget was passed 3-2 with Berkowitz and Gitlin voting against.

Did you know that back in the 1990’s, Del Norte County was assessed  a $4 million price tag?  What for?  For 1,600 barrels of toxic waste dumped or buried near the airport.  The EPA classified it as a Superfund Site.  They say they contained it. But a plume can’t be contained. No one seems to know who did the work. Anyone out there know of any contractors involved?

Discussed was the “shit-ton” of asbestos pipe supposedly buried between the Marine Mammal Center and the Wastewater Treatment Plant.  Not a problem as long as it’s underground.  Could be a problem if it’s ever dug up.  Could be cancer causing. Seems we have higher than normal cancer rates in our town.  Hard to determine because a few years ago, the American Cancer Society stopped reporting strictly on our county and combined our rates wit Humboldt County’s.

Linda Sutter has some people in mind who have expressed an interest in running for Supervisor in 3rd and 4th districts.  Discussion about nothing was ever going to change in our county until people like Howard and Hemmingsen are voted out.  Gerry Hemmingsen has been in office going on 12 years.  He probably wants another four.  Well, if you can’t solve the major problems in 12 years why does he think he deserves another four? Is it time for him to step aside?

It was pointed out that businesses don’t want to move here because our area looks so crummy. Roads are bad. Area’s not maintained.

Discussion on the Veteran’s Memorial Monument.  There’s been  a shake up. Architect, Charles Slert, donated 10 years of his life, but was replaced by Adam Trask as project manager.  Proposed budget somewhere between $500,000 to $600,000.  About three months ago, there was a groundbreaking ceremony.  Wonderful things were said.  Fundraiser, Kelly Schellong, mentioned a list of people and businesses that were signed up to donate materials, time and equipment.  Can’t see that anything has been done.  Did the power struggle between Slert and Trask derail the project?

Reminder, Sea Cruise starts today.  Join the crowds in downtown Crescent City and look over the cars as well as enjoy the Downtown Diva’s First Friday activities.





One thought on “Berkowitz’s Town Hall Meeting”
  1. Donna, I would like to make one correction to your story. It’s not Berkowitz’s Town Hall Meeting. it is your town hall meeting. It was established so that everyone could have access to one or two county supervisors on a daily basis. I believe that you should not have to wait 2 weeks to present your concern, problem, or idea to the board of supervisors for up to 3 minutes and then get no response from board members.

    With the “Daily Town Hall” you can get a fair hearing on anything that is of concern to you and get feedback and dialogue from other people including members of the board.

    No other community gives this opportunity to its citizens on a daily basis, but we, supervisors, were elected to serve the needs of the people of Del Norte County and all of you deserve to be heard whenever you want, so this “Daily Town Hall” meeting is for you.

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