Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Opinion and Commentary By Investigative Reporter, Linda Sutter – July 10, 2024

The Del Norte County BOS meeting was packed and emotional. People who came to the meeting had a story to tell but if they went over the 3 minute period were cut short by Chair Wilson who showed no compassion or empathy.

Rose Rippond one of the victims approached the dias with both hands taped in medical tape begging the Supervisors to do something. Rose will be facing surgery in the near future and has a gofundme page on Facebook.

A mother came forth crying while making a compelling statement about how dangerous it had gotten July 4th on South Beach.

After 14 people were injured, including a three years old boy currently in a coma, others had come to speak on this matter during public comment.

Since the Supervisors had not placed it on the agenda (which they had had plenty of time to do) they could not discuss it.

This isn’t the first time the Supervisors have been made aware of the issues facing South Beach during 4th of July. Every year it has been brought to their attention and they simply don’t care. Because if they had cared they would have enforced the laws currently in place.

The best thing that could happen at this point is for each victim to get a personal injury attorney and sue the county and the person who brought the unlawful fireworks to the beach. The Sheriff Department should be sued for dereliction of duty and negligence for not enforcing the no camping laws posted on the beach. It is worthy to note that the city police were not requested for assistance during this mass critical incident.


  1. I was at this meeting Linda, And you know damn well when the speakers that went over the 3 minutes and chair Wilson tried to shut them down, the audience spoke up loud and clear to let the speaker continue, and the board backed down.

    1. Perhaps you should come to meetings more often and you will see what Linda means. The fact that Chair Wilson was shouted down during last BOS meeting to allow a few speakers a few seconds longer to comment is not the norm. And if you were truly honest in your critic you would have noticed that Chair Wilson’s efforts did in fact curtail the comments of several speakers who likely would have had more to say. Finally the “Board” does not control the meeting, Chair Wilson has that task.

    2. Well Steelhead boy I was the one making the fuss to allow the people a few more seconds to speak. Wilson became argumentive and said no. He has no grace or empathy because he doesn’t care. I didn’t see you stand up as an advocate to allow people to speak. Nope fishbowl you were to busy flopping around cause you’re out of water.

  2. The person(s) who brought the illegal fireworks to the beach should be sitting in jail facing some pretty serious charges. If they know who they are I can’t believe they will let them off.

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