Thu. Feb 6th, 2025

By Donna Westfall – March 21, 2022 PICTURE OF THEIR WEDDING

He was 26 and she was 13.  They lived in the same area of Arcata in Humboldt County. A friend introduced the two over cats.  Bob loved cats. Bonnie did not.

Later while Bonnie was in Arcata High School, Bob Berkowitz was her teacher for Speech Class and she learned how to speak in front of people.  Bob had TV/radio station in the same room. What’s interesting is that Bob moved to Crescent City after buying KCRE Radio Station in 1980.

There were years that Bob and Bonnie didn’t talk with each other. But when Bonnie’s first husband died, Bob was there by phone helping her as she was living in Vancouver, Washington.

And then, Bob was instrumental in helping Bonnie in purchasing a home in foreclosure in the Bertsch tract.

During the intervening years, Bob was elected and served eight years on the School Board.  Then in 2012 Bonnie moved to Crescent City. 

Their first date was to see a movie.  That’s not the interesting part.  Here’s the interesting part. She was really hungry and scarfed down a huge sandwich which came up after the movie… all over Bob’s car. Despite that set back, they continued to go out to eat and to movies.

They eventually got married. The ceremony was at the home of Roger and Angie Gitlin. 

The last 4 years of their life together were spent having Bob on the Board of Supervisors serving the 5th District.  Bob was a very energetic man starting his day at 6 am being available for meeting anyone at Fisherman’s Restaurant. Bonnie would often attend his 6 am morning meetings to take part in political discussions.  Bob was always accessible to his constituents.    He helped out whenever he could even if you didn’t live in his district.

During the intervening years, Bob was elected and served eight years on the School Board.  Then in 2012 Bonnie moved to Crescent City. 

Their first date was to see a movie.  That’s not the interesting part.  Here’s the interesting part. She was really hungry and scarfed down a huge sandwich which came up after the movie… all over Bob’s car. Despite that set back, they continued to go out to eat and to movies.

They eventually got married. The ceremony was at the home of Roger and Angie Gitlin. 

The last 4 years of their life together were spent having Bob on the Board of Supervisors serving the 5th District.  Bob was a very energetic man starting his day at 6 am being available for meeting anyone at Fisherman’s Restaurant. Bonnie would often attend his 6 am morning meetings to take part in political discussions.  Bob was always accessible to his constituents.    He helped out whenever he could even if you didn’t live in his district.

He loved to travel having gone to places as far away as China and Japan. Bonnie and Bob would take cruises to such places as the Caribbean, Central America, Alaska, Mexico and Hawaii.  Since they didn’t take a honeymoon, their first year anniversary to Hawaii was considered a twofer

Was there anything Bob did not like?  At one point in his life he was overweight and was very uncomfortable, so he had gastic by-pass surgery.  Other than that, he didn’t like lima beans.This last year, cancer struck.  He licked it the first time, but it came back with a vengeance. Besides leaving Bonnie behind, he also left her with his cat.

On Saturday, April 2nd starting at 1 pm and going until 4 pm, there will be a Celebration of Life at Cornerstone Church located at 1281 Douglas St in Crescent City.

This event is open to the public.  Refreshments will be served. Come join Bonnie and friends while we reminisce about Bob.

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