Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

From Supervisor 1st District, Roger Gitlin – November 30, 2017


Pen Air will be terminating its service from Crescent City in mid-December. Their last flight to Portland is Thursday, December 14, 2017. If you have a ticket after that date, a full refund will be provided.

Contour Air awaits approval Slot Online of the Essential Air Service contract from the FAA. The jet service from CEC to Oakland hopes to commence the first part of March.

  1. It’s a pity we don’t have something with two to four wheels and a steering device that we can use to transport our butts from place to place. I’m still not sure how i’ve managed to get from state to state all over this country over my lifetime. Maybe someone will invent something this is far more expensive that people will think they need to depend on as a form of transportation. Am i Wright, brother?

    Besides, it’s not like there is anything to see along 101 and 199 except a bunch of ugly tall trees, clean water and mountains. And clean air is for wimps.

    1. Nicholas, how does that contraption work if we want to go further afield, say Europe, Africa, Australia, or maybe Asia?

        1. Sorry, I don’t seem to see anywhere in your original post that the starting point was Crescent City Airport, where ever that is, Jack McNamara Field perhaps, or maybe the Del Norte County Regional Airport? Safe to say that not all people restrict their destinations to this Country. I don’t see two or four wheels and a steering device to do them much good in that regard.

    1. Follow current events, Dude. It will be jet service. Let’s hope we draw more passengers than we’re drawing now.

      What happened to PenAir’s commitment to provide service until Contour Air kicks in? Can we penalize carriers that fail to live up to their obligations?

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