Sun. Jan 19th, 2025






Coulter Mann, showed no emotion as he walked into the court room dressed in orange, heavily chained at the waist and ankles as he enterd an emotionally charged courtroom filled with Yurok Tribal members and family members of the deceased victim Jones.  There were approximately three law enforcement agencies that filled the back and front of the court room. On the other side of the court room family and friends of Coulter Mann showed a presence of support.

Assistant DA Zocchi asked Judge Kalustian if the Tribal Members could speak on behalf of the people. The Judge stated, “ Make me an offer of proof.  What is the nature of information that the tribe needs to make now”?

Tribal member Gensaw was permitted to speak to the Judge on behalf of his native tribe. With the look of contempt in his eyes, the Judge permitted Gensaw to speak.

Gensaw begins, “ The Yurok Tribe are proud American Natives. We must follow all the laws of this jurisdiction and expect to be treated fairly like everyone else. If we get drunk and drive we are punished for that. Our children are watching what goes on here today. We teach our children right from wrong, but if this court does not give punishment to Mr. Mann, then what message will that send to our children? What message does that send to our people about getting fair treatment”?


Gensaw respectfully replies, “ We are citizens just like everyone else and we want this gentlemen treated like we are treated; not a slap on the wrist and then walk away.”

Mr. Gensaw thanked the judge and returned to his seat.

Assistant District Attorney Zocchi states, “The court struck great bodily injury enhancement, where a 6 year sentence was imposed down to a 3 year sentence which will only be served half time. This is too lenient of a sentence.”

Zocchi argued that was inappropriate and there is no reason for the court to deviate what was originally ordered. On March 3rd, 2014, the enhancement was struck when it should have stayed the sentence, striking the great bodily injury enhancement made it sound as though it was a DUI and somebody ended up with a band aid, when in fact a person did not suffer great bodily injury, a person died.

Mr. Zocchi presents the report from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) from the Correctional Counselor and from the Correctional Psychologist.  The Correctional Counselor recommended Mr. Mann stay in prison as he was a threat to the safety and security of society because Mr. Mann does not believe he was impaired from alcohol that he just had an accident. The prison report corroborates what the People of Del Norte were asking of the court.

The Judge smugly interrupts and states, “I KNOW WHAT THE REPORTS SAID.”

Zocchi continues, “I hope you punish him and he sits in prison.” The Correctional Counselor in his report goes on to to state, “The unfavorable factors outweigh the favorable factors.  Mr. Mann believes he was not impaired from alcohol when facts show otherwise. If released Mr. Mann would re-offend.”

Zocchi reads the next report from the Correctional Psychologist. “Notable concerns for risk level to commit further incidences. Mr. Mann has not gained any insight through this ordeal. Mann admits he caused the accident but repeatedly denies he was intoxicated.”

Question asked as to why he refused the test in the hospital?  Mr. Mann could not remember, (probably because he suffered from alcohol amnesia, as most alcoholics do). Mr. Mann alluded that this accident was caused by a series of unfortunate events and does not recognize he has an alcohol problem.

Now the defense attorney steps up to the plate. “The issue is whether Mann is a danger to the community. There are substantial favorable characteristics that Mr. Mann would succeed on probation. There are no case factors to support that the psychologist believes this will reoccur.”

The defense attorney tried to argue  whether or not the psychologist is accurate on her evaluation. The defense attorney tried to play the “Mr. Mann and his family are suffering, the community hates him, and Coulter Mann if placed on probation would never again jeopardize anything that will keep him from his family.”

ONE OF THE FAMILY MEMBERS STANDS UP AND SCREAMED OUT, “ MOTHER FUCKERS YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT MY FAMILY IS GOING THROUGH.” The Bailiff immediately responded and ordered the individual to sit down, no more outbursts or he would have to leave the court room.

Zocchi had the last say, “The primary goal is punishment. You kill somebody while drinking and driving deserves punishment. The psychologist believes he will offend again. Mann thinks it was just an “accident.  It was not an accident, it was criminally bad judgment we ask that you reinstate the sentence.”

Judge Kalustian spoke, “ When I read the reports I found it incredibly naive that Mann does not believe alcohol impaired him along with texting. Mr. Mann has served 158 days which will be added onto his credit, original sentence imposed… 3 years.”

Law enforcement had the victims family leave the court room, and then the defendants family who left in tears because their son was not released, but returned to CDCR.

  1. The sentence is nearly as disturbing as the untimely death of Mr. Jones.The old adage, two wrongs don’t make a right applies here. As an educator, I can only imagine what sense of in/justice was burned into the minds of the children sitting in the courtroom.
    Mr. Jones was a Father, GrandFather, brother,Uncle and valued community member. Jones met his demise at the hands of Mr. Mann a community educator who made the choice to drive and text on a cell phone while under the influence of alcohol.

    A mistake, yes.
    A poor choice, yes.
    Does the consequences fit the crime and the out come? No!

  2. I’m a cousin of that of the man that was killed and I don’t care how the Mann family feels!! Did they consider how the Jones family feel? They will get to see their poor excuse of a human being family member in 3 years. We will never get to see our family member who was taken from his family too early! I hope Coulter Mann rots in jail for the next 3 years, and I hope for the test of his life he lives with the guilt and burden knowing he killed a man by drinking and driving and texting and driving! And to think he has the nerve to say he wasn’t drunk… What an imbecile!

  3. I got jail time, a very big fine (never been in trouble with the law until the week of this DUI)and 3 years probation. I didn’t hurt anyone, in fact, I was pulled over half a block from home for allegedly “rolling” through a stop sign. I NEVER do that.

  4. I know from having been convicted of a DUI that the courts do as they want. Mann should be convicted of no less than involuntary manslaughter. He didn’t mean to kill Mr. Jones but he did. He HAD been drinking! The Jones family has every right to be angry and untrust the system as it works for the people that know the “right” people. Mann deserves more like 15 -20 years. Just sayin’

  5. this statement by the judge really inflames me> who does that judge this he is to be so cold> the kids are watching> and so many more of us also

    Gensaw begins, “ The Yurok Tribe are proud American Natives. We must follow all the laws of this jurisdiction and expect to be treated fairly like everyone else. If we get drunk and drive we are punished for that. Our children are watching what goes on here today. We teach our children right from wrong, but if this court does not give punishment to Mr. Mann, then what message will that send to our children? What message does that send to our people about getting fair treatment”?


  6. Wow first of all, I am amazed it went that way,,, I thought the wrist slap would stand. Who is this judge,, sounds like a jerk we do not need in our town, how do we see he doesn’t come here again.
    I wanted to be in court today,,, I really wanted to be there. To see haw they treated someone ho really committed a bad crime..

    I am glad the psychologist could see through Mann. Sorry his family is grieving they need to care for his alcoholism maybe. grieve for that one people. Because of his actions a man is dead. 3 years is a slap in reality,,, with the charge of great bodily harm as dropped,, although it ought to have been Man slaughter.

    Thank God he did not get out….I hope the family will help him with his alcoholism,,, maybe they are also and just can’t see it themselves…Let justice go forth,,,

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