Fri. Jan 17th, 2025

September 19, 2017 – Submitted by Lila Rose, President and Founder of LIVE ACTION

We need to act immediately.

If we don’t do something by September 30th, over 320,000 preborn children will be poisoned, dismembered, and starved to death next year at the hands of Planned Parenthood, with your taxpayer dollars.

The U.S. Senate is considering new legislation that proposes reforms to Obamacare while also defunding Planned Parenthood in the process.

The next 12 days could be our last chance this year to defund the abortion giant of the hundreds of millions of our taxpayer dollars — especially if pro-lifers don’t maintain a majority in Congress next year.

Here’s what you need to do right now – call your two U.S. senators and tell them to vote for the Graham-Cassidy reconciliation bill which ends Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding for the next year.

Click this link now to call, email, or tweet your senators (for your convenience, I’ve included a sample tweet, email, and talking points):   (Cut & Paste into your browser.)

Please don’t delay contacting your senators and use your voice to defend the preborn – a vote could come at any time and must come by September 30th.

NOTE BY EDITOR:  Donna Westfall – In the early 1970’s during the Roe v Wade fiasco, taxpayers were assured that NO TAXPAYER DOLLARS WOULD BE SPENT ON ABORTIONS.  They lied.  44 years later we’re trying to hold their feet to the fire. Please make those calls to our Senators: Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris and voice your opinion.

Sen. Feinstein –  (415) 393-0707

Sen. Harris –   (916) 448 – 2787


One thought on “Call to action from LIVE Action”
  1. So birth control and STD prevention means nothing… That’s good to know. How does Planned Parenthood poison “preborn” babies again? Or starve an unborn fetus?? I’d really like to know your sources on this. Is this a personal experience for you? Witnessing fetuses being dismembered or perhaps a video you could link in a comment? For proof, after seeing a few other articles from you I can tell sources and proof are hard for you to provide.

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