By Roger Gitlin – EYE ON DEL NORTE – May 9, 2022
5th District Supervisor candidate David Markel brought to the community ‘s attention the abominable road conditions on Barker St, a non-maintained County road in the Berstch tract.

Unfortunately, Barker St is among scores of other non-maintained roads which are dangerous and undrivable around all areas of the County.
I will bring to current 5th District Supervisor Sue Masten, CAO Neal Lopez, and Heidi Kunstal, Director of the Del Norte County Community Development Department, the Board of Supervisors these unacceptable conditions. This issue be must agendized expediently. The Board must begin the process of adopting, then beginning to fix these deplorably-maintained streets.
This problem affects ALL County Districts. The Board cannot stick its head in a pothole and pretend this problem does not exist.
This effort to address the problem would be a good justification for the CDD Roads Dept. to utilize the unpopular 13% sales tax Measure R increase, barely passed by the Public.
Thank you, Supervisor candidate Dave Markel for bringing this matter to our attention.