Sat. Mar 8th, 2025

By Linda Sutter – January 20, 2021

New City Ordinance that would extend the “no beach fire zone” from Battery Point to Preston Island voted on Monday, January 19th.

The subject of city regulation of beach fires has been discussed by the City Council on several occasions over the past several months. 

However, as the previous council reached the end of its term and had not found a common consensus on various issues, the decision was made to allow the new council to determine and develop any regulations it found necessary. 

The topic originally arose from complaints of persons living on or near Pebble Beach regarding fires along the beach that they thought were either unsafe or causing an annoyance due to conditions such as drifting smoke.

Tonight, several people spoke against allowing fires on this stretch of the beach except for property owners. The issue then became the vacation rentals whose property owners do not live here, don’t care what their renters do.

What was discussed property owners would have to give written permission for anyone to go down and use the beach for fires. If you don’t have written permission then the fire would be extinguished with possible $300 dollar citation.

The common ground that everyone agreed upon was the fact there are miles and miles of beach throughout the city and county that can be utilized for bonfires without creating a nuisance to those who are sensitive to the smoke and without worrying about setting the brush on fire where homes reside. 

5 thoughts on “Crescent City Council Maps Out New Regulation: No Fires On the Beach.”
  1. These old time home owners need to relax and just allow life to be lived. Don’t be so uptight and keep your distance as long as there’s no harm to you and others. New homeowners are here to stay and to live their lives as you have once without anyone shutting you down.. peace be with you !!

  2. My family and friends have been vacationing at the Shoreline RV Campground for close to 25 years now and enjoy the view of the harbor and surrounding area, we arrive shortly after the 4th of July to find the beach littered with campfire residue, trash and burned out fireworks. Along with the burned trash, which include beer cans and bottles, and plastic. The campground is unfortunately just South of Battery Point, too bad this City owned campground wasn’t included in the ordinance.

  3. How about we start holding people accountable for their actions instead of destroying what liberties and ways to enjoy life we have left? I miss the days of bonfires at the beach. I was always responsible. Don’t be surprised of the CCPD has to give me a ticket or arrest me next time I’m there and don’t be surprised when the city gets slammed with a lawsuit over it. Trust me when I say I will make it worth my time. I’m just itching to bust the chops of anyone who steps on my freedom.

    1. A lawsuit against property owners would be a waste of time,, unless you have permission you would lose. this is a small stretch of breach. Our county has miles of out of the way beaches…so buckle up buttercup…going to a place like south beach is only a stone’s throw away….

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