Wed. Sep 11th, 2024
Last May, the California State Bar charged Jon Michael Alexander with seven counts including:
 Business and Professions code – Moral Turpitude- Corruption
 Rules of Professional Conduct – Communication with a Represented Party
Rules of Professional Conduct – Suppressing Evidence Contrary to Legal Obligation
Rules of Professional Conduct – Failure to Perform with Competence
Last May I wrote an article asking Has DA Alexander met his Waterloo? I was surprised to learn that many people didn’t know the significance of Waterloo.  It had to do with Napoleon Bonaparte’s defeat in a place called Waterloo which is present day Belgium.  After his defeat at Waterloo, his rule as Emperor of  France ended.
The Bar made the decision to take away Jon’s license # 129207 effective March 7th. After that date, he can no longer practice law.  The Judges decision was filed on April 4th and the twenty-seven page document is public information.
Jon has had a checkered career with suspensions.  The fact that he overcame a meth addiction and and worked tirelessly for his clients, many with drug addictions of their own, gave hope to the Del Norte community that he would indeed give justice equally to all.
However, in the time since his swearing in, numerous problems surfaced.  From a personal standpoint, friends and I asked Jon for a meeting to discuss what appears to be municipal fraud concerns on the waste water treatment plant.  We were dismayed that he would never make the time for it.  It seems now, looking back, that if you want a District Attorney to look at evidence that could ultimately indict some of the players in this town, that DA definitely has to wear a blindfold.  They have to be totally impartial and not tied in to the machinations of the politicians and special interests.
Once disbarred what can he do?  Most likely, he will appeal.
Who will fill the shoes of our District Attorney’s position?
Today at 4 pm the Board of Supervisors is having an emergency meeting.  I suspect that the topic for discussion will be about the District Attorney position and start the process of appointing a DA.
  1. Another one bites the dust, who will be next? The past few years we have seen the corruption in our county escalate, I would like to think Del Norte Community Watchdogs has played a part in community awareness as revealing these types of problems. People seem to see that we have major corruption within the ranks of our law keepers. WE have government that really does not care about the people of our town unless there is money to be made, or some other perk to be had.
    When the dogs first took to Del Norte Streets people though we just wanted to cause trouble, we were labeled in a negative way. Several years later we have seen many of the lawless law keepers exposed, and people are realizing we do have corruption here. Two consecutive DS’s with drug problems, breaking the law in multiple ways, thinking they were getting away with it. It is funny how they ream each other for the crime they are committing. People all over town saw our former DA Riese in the court house and on the streets with his brain fried, doing strange things, Getting stopped by the cops more than once for DUI. The county CO wrote him a letter asking him not to come to work because his coworkers were uncomfortable around him. A sheriff’s officer who was causing havoc on our streets was fired, very little jail time for his crimes compared to the normal Del Norte law breaker. OH! and the probation officer who was accused of embezzling from the cop funds, although the supervisors have gave him his job back. I still haven’t heard that he is finished with his court hearings. Or any other information about this.. The people need to know. Was he found innocent? WHY WAS HE GIVEN HIS JOB BACK
    Some will not like what I am about to say , but in light of the corruption in our county some of us think that the officer shot in the court house was not a suicide, People do believe and say maybe he knew to much,, It really seems strange the whole story we have.. We will never know the truth here but people are thinking this may have some truth in it. People have told me I could get killed for my willingness to expose the truth. When many people tell you this it begins to weigh on your mind that it would be possible someone would want to shut my mouth.
    Lenda Beck

    1. Responds for Lenda: We have spoken in the past. I was there for Joe Gacias’ arrangement. I was glad to see him finally go down.

      There are some much bigger stories brewing relating to the DNSO than the Alexandar scandal. Mark my words.

  2. You can go to the Calif. State Bar site. Type in “Jon Alexander” and scroll down to the Jon that is in Crescent City or # 129207.

    His page will appear. Scroll down to ACTIONS AFFECTING ELIGIBILITY TO PRACTICE LAW.

    Date… 4/7/13 “Ordered inactive”

    If you look down the list on 12/15/06 he was “ordered inactive” and the notation is “not eligible to practice law.”

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