Sun. Jan 19th, 2025

Opinion By Linda Sutter – July 5, 2023

Although Del Norte Sheriff’s officers did their best to keep south Beach free and clear of parking RVs and Camp trailers, 12 were permitted to stay and are still there.

What does the county miss out on? These people get free garbage service, do not pay any TOT tax, do not eat in restaurants, and permit their Grey water to be released on the beach. A couple from southern California stated, “we save money when we don’t pay for restaurants or rental fees for the RV, which evens out in cost for fuel”.

I do know the Sheriff’s Office was extraordinarily busy these past few days; anyone with a radio could hear they were running from 0530 am and all through the night.

The signs are clear no camping and no solicitating. The Harbor had several spots opened for short term parking . I believe citations should be issued so the county can collect something don’t you?

In the meantime the board of supervisors want to tax the taxpayer for their inability to manage county finances. What do you think?

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