Thu. Feb 6th, 2025

By Roger Gitlin – EYE ON DEL NORTE – October 8, 2021

Allegations of teaching sexually-explicit, inappropriate instructional material against a Del Norte High School teacher have been brought to the attention of EYE ON DEL NORTE.

The questionable material is a novel of sort from a Native American who writes about his experience masturbating. Wholly inappropriate!

For the time being, the teacher’s name will be withheld from this post.

I contacted DNHS principal Alison Eckart, requesting a meeting which included DNUSD Director of Curiculum and Instruction Leslee Machado. Within a few days, Ms. Eckart replied with the process for filing a complaint of instructional material re: Ed Code regulation 1312.2 adopted by the Del Norte Unified School District Board of Education.

Needless to say, there would be no informal meeting and the protocol to file a complaint would be cumbersome, time consuming and intimidating.

I will spare your reading the agonizing process one must follow in correctly filing a complaint and the expectation that you may experience should you decide to file a complaint. The language utilized has the footprints of a team of attorneys.

I have zero doubt the curriculum is State-Approved. Sadly and regrettably, the State is not interested in teaching our children how to read and write but hopes to propagate its destructive socially-offensive curricula upon the nimble minds of our most precious human commodity; our children.

If any parent of a Del Norte High School student wishes to become more involved in what is being taught in your child’s classroom, please advise me. I will be delighted to help you file a complaint and observe these lessons in the classroom.

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