Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Opinion Piece By Branden Bieber – January 9, 2023

Good Morning Board of Supervisors,

I would like to start with a request for this board to examine the policy of your agenda, and collectively approve a motion to table this consent agenda.  There is relevant information not being considered, and approving some items will have detrimental consequences on the community.

I understand the importance of time, but as evident in the in the recent proceedings at our Nations Congress, the voting of the House Speaker, and swearing in of New Officials, “policy debate and compromise should always outweigh being expedient.” 

What do you consider to be consensual?

By a single vote, you are agreeing, and should be held accountable for the consequences of these 18 items!

Most of these amendments and agreements should not be approved.

Starting with Agenda item #4, please do not approve item #4.  This $6,500 In matching funds is dedicated for more “EMERGENCY SERVICES”.  What happened to normal services!!  Please don’t approve #4 and use these funds to give our Sheriff’s department employees a raise.

Do NOT APRROVE #6, New employees should start at Step A not C.  More Band-Aids to hard working non-competitive County Salaries.   Adjust your salary structure!!

Table agenda item #7, the EIGTH amendment that is now over three times the original contract amount.  How many more amendments will be required?  Why have a contract if you’re not going to be accountable to it.  More tolerance to poor performance!  Do not approve #7, and do hold the contractor responsible.

Do NOT APPROVE #9.   One of the three Willow Care Psychiatric Service renewed agreement for $12,000. This contract is already over half expired.  Please refer to Del Norte County Contract code for violations.

DO NOT APPROVE #10,  $345,000 and another renewed agreement with Willow Care Psychiatric Services.  The contract is also over half expired.  Please provide the receipts corresponding to this agreement. 

DO NOT APPROVE #11,  Another half expired $150,000 renewed agreement for Willow Care Psychiatric Services.  How many contracts do you have with Willow Care.  And again, this contract is over half expired.  If a contractor can’t provide timely invoicing and contract renewal we should not be conducting business with them

DO NOT APPROVE #12,  It says there is no cost to the County, but privacy does have a cost.  So does the time to type it on the Agenda.  It’s an agreement with Medi-Cal.  Maybe one of you should inquire where all the money is going for Medi-Cal insurance.  Insurance carriers are getting richer, while services have diminished, they’re hopefully getting better but why are we paying insurance providers for something society promotes as a human right.

DO NOT APPROVE #13.  I shouldn’t disagree with this because I have an open employment application with DNCUSD.  But do you think providing $2.5 MILLION DOLLARS is consensual?  Do you think placing psychologist in our schools without asking questions is consensual?  Is this your WOKE agenda, or is this “YOUR SLEEPING” agenda.  You are creating positions to deal with the consequences, but you’re not dealing with the problem.  The Kids in our community need more opportunities, not psychologist.  This $2.5 MILLION DOLLARS would be better utilized by programs like the proposed Performance Arts Building, upgrading the condition of parks and rec fields and facilities, or opening “Florence Keller” rappeling and obstacle course.  You can do a lot for $2.5 million dollars, but what I want to know before you vote is:  Can psychological evaluations be conducted on minors without the parent’s approval?

DO NOT APPROVE # 14.  Agenda Items 22, 23, 24 all deal with Juvenile Hall.  What makes #14 consensual?   Why  are you changing the Chief Probation Officers job-duties.  I’ll tell you, because you’re“personally harassing him!”   He made a professional recommendation the previous Board didn’t like, and instead of dealing with the problem, you harass this employee.  If anyone here should be held accountable for the problems at the Juvenile Hall, it would be Supervisors Howard, and Starkey.  What was your profession in life Valerie?  A probation officer?  You had to of know the circumstances at Juvenile Hall yet you failed to act.

DO NOT APPROVE #15.  Despite the D.N. Treasurer-Tax collector being extremely hard working and knowledgeable, to refrain from any possible conflict of interest, alternate Supervision should be required.

DO NOT APPROVE #16.  Absolutely CANNOT approve the pay increase for the Director of Health and Human Services.  This position is already overpaid for a Copy and Paste state monitoring agenda.  This is the same position that infringed on citizens constitutional rights and coerced a published illegal mandate.  The same director who requested funding Queer Humboldt.  The same director responsible for the County’s recruitment and retention problems.  The same director position who devastated the local economy.  The same director position who’s policy tolerates criminal activity, drug overdoses, depression, and poor child development test scores.

Table Agenda item #17.  Stop putting Band-Aid’s on salaries!  Evaluate the Salary assessment, make a strategic salary compensation package, and vote in a month.

DO NOT APPROVE #18.  Two consecutive agendas with two amendments with Ms. Ramsay for 250% more than the original contract.  What is Alison Ramsay’s business license number, credentials, invoices, payments and contact info. 

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