Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Opinion Piece By Linda Sutter – August 26, 2020

Do we really need another tax?

Remember When Supervisor Chris Howard announced, “We need to increase sales tax 1%, because of COVID 19″? Well It’s a MIRACLE!!!! DEL Norte County, has received $463,880. A total estimated allocation has been established by the State in the amount of $2,783,280. The schedule for providing the funding includes 6 equal payments to Counties and stretches through October, 2021.

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES Act) funding must be utilized for costs associated with the COVID-19 response within Del Norte County and has several eligible uses. Costs associated with payroll for “substantially dedicated” employees are eligible and are a substantial cost to the County. This includes Public Health and Public Safety related employee payroll.

Other uses include, but are not limited to, COVID-19 tracking and tracing, telework improvements for employees, some medical expenses, economic support, housing support, and administrative expenses. Counties are expected to follow the Executive Orders of the Governor, and a determination by the State that a County is not complying with the orders may result in future funding allocations being denied.

So there you have it folks, a fake pandemic for the promise of money.


No negative fiscal impact, however off-setting COVID 19 related expenses will assist the County in addressing funding shortfalls. If the County fails to comply with Governor’s Executive Orders, funding may be withheld or required to be returned.

Isn’t it funny how socialism works? Here is some money to bribe you with, all you have to do is go along with the Governor and pretend there is a pandemic, and you can receive Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars! What a great game.

In the meantime we don’t care how this is affecting our children who are deprived from going to school normally. We don’t care that our businesses are barely making it. The only thing these elected people care about was announced by Chris Howard, “Raise sales tax 1 percent to make up for Covid 19.”


8 thoughts on “DN COUNTY RECEIVES $463,880 from the State of California for COVID 19”
  1. If this is the Sam Strait from Bar O Ranch, I just wanted to say, “Thank You”.
    I learned very many good values at Bar O.
    Sincereley: Joseph A. Smith

  2. I think maybe you are correct. This site is not for you. It requires some thinking on the part of those that partake. Living in an echo chamber as you appear to do, this site may be more than you can handle. Ms. Sutter in her article is referring to just one of the interesting anomalies that have appeared just in the last six months that raises certainly a vast array of questions about what the exact nature of the pandemic is and if it actually required the response by the media, by our medical community, and more importantly by the leadership at all levels of government. While we may never know what actually happened, numbers actually affected, or the human toll, there are far too many discrepancies in what we have been told, and how we have been told to act, that most certainly there is plenty of room for the kind of questions that Ms. Sutter has raised. I am sure Ms. Sutter is more than capable of the thinking required, how about you? Perhaps it is time to broaden your world view and stop being quite so dismissive. It is rude.

  3. Well,well, I will be darned. Surprise surprise, just confirmed my suspicions, everyone but the “ little people” are making money off this virus..

  4. “pretend there is a pandemic” first time I have seen this publication, but the author is obviously not paying attention (Or agenda driven). I suppose the author also believes the climate isn’t changing, vaccinations don’t work, the Earth is flat, we didn’t land on the moon, the Earth is 6000 years old, etc…

    1. dear joe,

      if you don’t believe any content of the article it came straight off the counties document which can be found on the August 25, agenda, item # 13 Cares Act Spending. click on the document to the right of the agenda item..3 page letter explains it all…

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