By Branden Bieber – February 5, 2023
California will end the imposed State of Emergency on February 28t,h, 2023. In the mist of all the propaganda, real news, and fake news, California has played host to the Super Bowl, Basketball World Championships, and NCAA Nation Football Championship game. While no restrictions were placed on the visiting teams or their fans entering an Emergency Zone, the State determined to boycott State Workers travel to 23 States in signing Assembly Bill 1887.
Similar to our States reckless abandonment of accountability, our own locally elected officials are approving policy that further expands Government’s influence over individual freedoms. Not that our Road and Maintenance departments have been allocated more money for diminishing infrastructure, but it’s the Department of Health and Human Services who are getting rich off civilians difficult life circumstances.
What happened to being neighborly, or church’s, or private industry lending a compassionate ear, providing food, or even general maintenance job opportunities to people in need. On the contrary, Government has felt entitled to provide the service’s for help and rapid expanse of Health Department and their salaries. It is well know that Del Norte County has a tolerance for homeless, and enables easy access for social services. It has been consensual for the Board of Supervisors to invest more resources, more staff, and more funding to the homeless agenda.

As we’ve seen over the past ten years, the increased investment to the Health Department has not resulted in positive solutions. Instead, it has resulted in negative consequences that pose a threat to individual’s living homeless, and the community they reside in. The past three years have not resulted in a more efficient, transparent, or robust Health Care system. On the contrary, it has illustrated our Country’s failures of insurance fraud and price gauging, increased pharmaceutical stock earnings, and a distrust in the medical system and the Government.
This past week, Del Norte County had an ad-hoc committee meeting about the homeless. Only those invited were able to attend, and the public was not given the opportunity to observe the discussion. Maybe, because County Counsel (Joel Campbell-Blair) is giving preference to his wife’s company, True North Organizing Company. Together, they gave a statement that they want to turn the Juvenile Hall into a homeless center. This is very bad for the majority of residents of Del Norte, except for those entitled to salaries to recruit and retain more members (homeless).
Homelessness is a difficult situation, but our current policy is unsustainable. If you disagree with me, speak up. Otherwise, get involved. Look at the next County Board of Supervisors meeting agenda and the consensual items approved without discussion. We can attract and find services for all the homeless in the World, but until Del Norte County establishes a policy for creating job’s our current trajectory is unmanageable.
So, as one Emergency ends, another Emergency will further cripple the State. Homeless numbers are going up without real solutions. The laws might change on February 28th, but the power and funding given to the Department of Health and Human Services will not go away.
Well said,
remember behind every bad decision to screw over the taxpaying resident is an attorney , in this case county council. The county council and judicial system has never understood or abided by the concept of CONFLICT of INTEREST. A group needs to repeat this term at every meeting, and start filing suit OUT of Del Norte County. A rep in Sac on DOJ who are actually liable for the whole mess would help too.