Mon. Feb 10th, 2025

By Assemblyman Kevin Kiley – December 22, 2021

Assemblyman Kevin Kiley

Two months ago, I sent a clear message to the state’s large school districts: 

Under California law school districts cannot mandate the COVID vaccine without a personal belief exemption. Don’t try it. You will get sued and will lose.

Well, San Diego Unified tried it. They got sued. And they just lost. A Superior Court has struck down the district’s mandate in its entirety. This comes a week after LA Unified cancelled theirs for next semester.

This also comes as Joe Biden admits the science is “overwhelming” that “schools should be open.” I told Newsom that a year and a half ago. But he ignored the science, obeyed the unions, and pocketed millions.

Meanwhile, yesterday Newsom announced the first “booster mandate.” This has to be a new world record for the time between conspiracy theory and reality. 

The word endemic describes a pathogen being around indefinitely. What’s truly become endemic is the insanity this virus has spawned. One of Newsom’s big union funders just declared “there’s never a good time to start disarming against COVID-19.”

My home school district, for one, disagrees. Rocklin Unified passed a resolution against Newsom’s mandates that promises legal action if he extends the emergency. The forces of sanity are gaining strength. 

Ask your school board to do the same

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