Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

By Roger Gitlin – EYE ON DEL NORTE – January 3, 2022

The Guru Gods at Facebook gave me my first ever warning after letting me know I violated its Community Standards post on the Covid 19 Virus.

Without uttering the pejorative word that prompted a finger-wagging in my face, I rendered my opinion I thought the Pandemic was a H_ _ X !!!

That’s a No-No.

In the post I opined the Virus was a serious malady but with a miniscule lethality rate.

As the Del Norte County Public Health Covid 19 Wheel reports:

41 Deaths

4003 cases equals O102% lethality rate OR 98.9% survival rate.

The numbers for the State and USA are remarkably similar..98.4 to 98.9% survival rate for the State and USA, respectively according to the California Dept of Public Health and Center for Disease Control.

I would respectfully ask my FB overseers to compare the Novel Virus to other diseases: Diabetes, Measles, Mumps, Heart Disease and even the Influenza which is similarly widespread. The research will show other co-morbidities also have lethality rates similar to the Covid 19 virus. Simply stated, the Covid 19 Virus is not the killer we are being spoon fed to believe.

Are those diseases also Pandemic?

Perhaps I was too quick on the trigger to label the Virus a h_ _x …

Is FaceBook too challenged in sight to see its Community Standard is imperfect?

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