Thu. Feb 6th, 2025

Credit to  Clare Marie Merkowsky from LifeSiteNews. June 14, 2021

Washington D.C. – Approximately 300 American men walked in the capital to “call for the end of the government sanctioned daily mass murder of abortion” last weekend. LifeSiteNews was on site, interviewing many of the participants.

The first ever national Men’s March, organized by Fr. Stephen Imbarrato and Catholic radio host Jim Havens, took place last Saturday, on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Men were dressed in suits while clerics wore their cassocks. A tweet showing Michael Hichborn, president of the faithfully Catholic Lepanto Institute, and his son praying the rosary together has been widely shared on social media.

Beginning at 11 a.m., the men gathered for prayer at Washington Surgi-Clinic, a late-term abortion facility. The abortionist at this clinic, Dr. Cesare Santangelowas caught on tape in 2013 agreeing to deny medical care to a viable child who survives an abortion. The men then proceeded to march to the White House.

In a conversation with LifeSiteNews, event organizer Jim Havens warned young men who are considering taking their wives or girlfriends to an abortion clinic not to “fall into the lie of abortion.”

“The truth is, this child is already here; this child is already infinitely valuable, as [are] you, as is that mom,” he continued. “Tell her that you’re going to be there to support her, to support that child and step up as a man.”

Fr. Stephen Imbarrato counseled, “Every abortion wounds a woman, and a man is involved in every single abortion, so I think the abortion industry, the culture of death, wants to marginalize men and tell men, ‘It’s not any of your business.’”

He compared the men of today to Adam, who blamed Eve after eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. “Men need to stand up, and stand up for women, try to protect women from being wounded and of course protect the most vulnerable, our babies,” he continued.

Brother Pio, a Franciscan friar of Primitive Observance, told LifeSiteNews that he came to “be a voice for the voiceless.” He explained that the family is the “domestic church,” and fatherhood “has been under attack for years in the media.”

Jeff Joaquin, a father who deeply regrets allowing his baby to be aborted, told men that if they made the same decision, they would “never be able to get away” from the loss of their child.

“Men are the protectors, the providers, the leaders,” said John Hinterlong, president of the Right to Life League. “They should not abdicate their responsibility, including women.”

Tyrone Wheeler, from New Calvary Baptist Church, commented, “It takes two people to make a baby and I think that both have 100% say … in the direction of that child coming to life.”

“As a father and a grandfather, I’m glad that I had a choice in making those beautiful human beings,” he continued. “Once you do create a child, be responsible and let that child come to this earth.”

Msgr. Charles Pope called on pro-abortion self-professed Catholic President Joe Biden to “repent.” He voiced concern, “not just for him but for so many officials who risk their immortal souls. They are going to be judged, and they’ve been given great responsibilities.”

“Please listen to the Church; listen to the Lord,” he implored. “Protect life from the beginning of conception until natural death. Don’t be afraid. There are many of us here who will give you support and encouragement.”

“85% of abortions are committed on single women, which means that there was an act of fornication,” Pope continued. “This has to stop. So, we men have got to pledge to live chastely and we’ve got to summon our sons … to this same chastity.”

“If this nation would start living chastely, 85% of abortions would go away,” he concluded.

Former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levantino said that it is imperative that people know that abortions are gruesome procedures.

He warned young men who consider aborting their child: “This isn’t just some embryo. It isn’t even just some baby. This is your son or daughter, and if you’re a man, you defend and support your son or daughter.”

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