Thu. Feb 6th, 2025

By Branden Bieber – March 10, 2023

Public attendees to the February 28th Board of Supervisor meeting were provided Department of Health and Human Service details when justifying an $387,100 amendment to the WIC (Women, Infants, Children) Agreement that re-started October, 2022.  The Consent Agenda Item was approved 5-0 by the Board, based on Department of Health and Human Service Director, Ranelle Brown, claiming the increase in funding is “a good thing, we’re helping more people.”

WIC was started in 1972 by the Federal Government as a supplemental food program aimed at improving the health of pregnant mothers, infants and children. It was intended as a short-term intervention program designed to influence lifetime nutrition and health behaviors in targeted, high-risk populations.

Del Norte County February board report claims 900 local families receive support from the WIC program .  That’s 900 mothers and their kids in Del Norte receive basic nutritional needs.  US Census report’s Del Norte’s population for children under 5, is 5 percent (1,400) of the County’s 28,000 people. Correlating data equates to 65% of Del Norte County mothers are receiving WIC funding. 

Equally as depressing as the unproductive handout’s Government encourages, is the hidden costs of this tolerated “Consent Approval.”  The WIC contract amendment is only four month’s into the terms of the contract extending a total of three years.  If original WIC funding of  $1,881,843 only lasted the County four months, the amended $387,100 will only sustain the program another 31 days.  If the program continues until expiration, the program will cost approximately $13.54 MILLION DOLLARS!

Stop promoting the degradation of our community, and defund the Department of Health and Human Services.  More people requiring dependency should NEVER be a good thing.  Too be continued with another contract amendment shortly.

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