Thu. Mar 13th, 2025




  1. Hank Akin IS a man of integrity. With Hank Akin, we will have a Supervisor with traditional values, maturity, honesty, transparency, humility and courage; the complete opposite of the arrogant sycophants and toadies who presently serve our local rich Oligarchs. Hank Akin has a reputation of being a straight-shooter, and I am confident that Akin will serve both the Constitution of the United States, and the members of his community. My only concern is the cruelty of placing him into a corrupted government that operates like a white collar organized crime group; complete with consigliere legal assassins paid for by the taxpayer. Every honest representative in either the Board of Supervisors or City Counsel has been slandered, libeled, and ruthlessly purged through expensive legal harassment. The name of the game in Del Norte County is “Play Ball” with those who flash the cash. Expect to see epithets fly, and the face of pure haughty rage when Hank Akin tells his puffed-up colleagues and their wealthy controllers where they can stick their Balls. The only question is whether the citizens of District 3 have the common sense to discern a man of character and integrity versus paid propaganda, rumors, fictitious innuendo and character smears that are the stock and trade of Del Norte politics. Up until now, the people of District 3 have chosen an outright RINO! The incumbent, Chris Howard, knows how to Play Ball, and his longevity in office is testament to his “Pitching” and “Catching.” Same as other incumbents, the position of Supervisor is used to enrich the wealthiest Oligarchs in this county; and elsewhere in the State of California; after all, California is the biggest and wealthiest organized crime group in the United States. We have the richest Politicians and Bureaucratic hacks in the nation; and more homeless and overtaxed citizens than anywhere else. Favors are given, tons of public money misspent; with “perks” and limitless contributions and advertising revenue showered on the reliable “Ball Players.” They believe that we, their constituents, are stupid serfs existing only to pay more and more taxes to support their exorbitant lifestyles and international junkets. Perhaps they are right, because the same clique of cronies seem to get reelected time and again. It is time that this County ejects this crooked “Ball Team,” and elect real public servants. Hank Akin would be a real good start.

  2. Hank seems like a good man. I see that he supports the sales tax repeal. For a community struggling financially and businesses on the verge of collapse, this makes total sense. We need to live with less.
    I see that Howard is endorsed by the local Republican party? Isn’t this the same guy that supports illegal immigration, and against the repeal? True that he was not endorsed the previous two times? What has changed?

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