Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
Del Norte Cal Fresh Healthy Living – June 4, 2023

CalFresh Healthy Living Program works with educators in early child care and education (ECE) settings. It promotes seasonal and locally grown fruits and vegetables through the Farm to Preschool Harvest of the Month program. 

For May Harvest of the Month, we celebrated the “Cucumber”. We delivered a Harvest of the Month taste testing/resource kit, including cucumbers and instructions to perform “cucumber magic”, Farm to Preschool Harvest of the Month curriculum to 9 ECE sites, including Head Starts, an early learning center, a state-run Preschool and our community partners at the Child Care Council. We also provided Color Me Healthy parent newsletters and other supporting educational materials to the teachers to implement the Farm to Preschool Harvest of the Month curriculum in their classrooms. 

Harvest of the Month is a great way to encourage your child to eat more fruits and vegetables at home. Click Educator Newsletter for the Harvest of the Month to learn more about Cabbage and cooked greens including produce tips and serving ideas for the Harvest of the Month. Click Veggie Wrap to watch this informative video about some of Cabbage’s favorite relatives.

Cucumbers are great for salads or wraps!

Your body needs lots of water every day to keep your brains, muscles, and digestive system strong. Cucumber is a low-calorie vegetable with lots of water to contribute to your daily intake! Click the link to learn more about this delicious vegetable at!

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