Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

By Donna Westfall – October 16, 2016 – Just as I was about to dig into the Propositions on the internet, my friend, Ourania Riddle, sent me this,

“I am an involved citizen and still can not figure out how to vote on some of the Propositions. I do not have time to read the 223 pages of the Voters informational pamphlet.

Yesterday I received an e-mail from Congressman Tom McClintock with his recommendations.  I know Tom for many years and I trust him. Attached are his recommendations in case you are stuck of understanding what those Props mean and deciding how to vote on them.

Tom McClintock represents the people of California’s historic gold country and Sierra Nevada in a district that stretches from Lake Tahoe, through Yosemite Valley and on to Kings Canyon.

Often described as “the gold standard” for fiscal conservatism in Congress, the National Taxpayers Union rated him the best vote for taxpayers in the House in 2014 and 2015. Citizens Against Government Waste recently named him as one of only two perfect votes in the House fighting wasteful government spending.”

After reviewing his synopsis, I agree with his recommendations.  Take it or leave it.  Your choice. Click on the link:

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