Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

By Donna Westfall

DN County FairgroundsOn June 26th, I attended the joint Fairground Boards (comprised of 41st District and the 1/4% Sales Tax Board).  During public comment I handed each board a list of questions that were brought to my attention by members of the Crescent City-Del Norte County Taxpayers Association.

I also read the questions out loud during public comment.

Here’s that list:


  1. How were the people notified to run for the Sales Tax Board?
  2. When you bring Chinese food to Board meetings,  who pays for it?
  3. Will Randy Hatfields remuneration be diminished by reduced demands?
  4. Will Randy Hatfield get paid or compensated in any way by any of the ¼% sales tax funds?
  5. Will the 2 districts combine their monies for any reason?
  6. Does Kevin Hartwick do the taxes for either or both Fair Boards?
  7. Does Ritchie Taylor do the taxes for either or both fair boards?
  8. Is there a published list of charges for example: Horses –how much does the Fairgrounds charge to board horses and who gets to keep them there for free?
  9. We have eye witnesses that will testify to the fact that dead animals are buried on fair grounds which probably affects the soil and ground water. If you have evidence that this is a fact, what will you do about it?
  10. If friends or clients of the board members bring their motor homes and RV’s to park at the Fairgrounds, will they be charged or do they get free parking?
  11. Is there any pesticide use at the Fairgrounds?
  12. What happens to the manure generated by the animals.
  13. Are there any wells on the Fairgrounds, or do you use exclusively city water.
  14. When can we schedule a tour of the Fairgrounds?

Why hasn’t anyone from either Board responded?

2 thoughts on “How to Get Answers From the Fairground Boards”
  1. The fairgrounds charged me $120.00 a month for a nice double stall and $20. for a tack/feed room.

  2. well those are good questions to ask….I suggest you pay a visit during business hours and look at their bookkeeping, and corner Mr. Hatfield and ask again on video…if no response…then work on getting the increased sales tax rescinded during next election…not many signatures needed this time for an initiative or referendum…

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