Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

By Linda Sutter – December 27, 2020 – picture credit to CDC

After reviewing Dr. Pierre Kory witness before the Senate regarding the use of Ivermectin as a cure and preventative of COVID19, I personally decided to purchase this from our local Tractor Supply Store.

I purchased 30 Ml’s solution, 22 gauge needles and syringes. And was inoculated December 26, 2020.

The Solution of Ivermectin is extremely thick, and if I do another dose, it will be thinned out a bit with  0.9% Normal Saline (NS, 0.9NaCl, or NSS) . The Ivermectin I purchased was for Cattle, pigs, and or horses. And the instructions were to administer 1 cc per 110 pounds. For my first dose however, it was not thinned out, was flat out painful, and I only used 1 cc just for manageable reasons.

I have not felt nausea, no headaches, no painful joints, nothing. But not everyone is built the same.

If you go to you can start your research on this drug, also youtube Dr. Pierre Kory. My guess is it will be marketable soon, however, big pharma will get in the way. I did call and request my doctor to prescribe it to me, but they did not want to and had not heard about this drug.  So don’t bother calling your doctor. Do your own research. And good luck trying to purchase it now.

What are contraindications of Ivermectin?

The discovery of Ivermectin in 1975 was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine given its global impact in reducing onchocerciasis (river blindness), lymphatic filiariasis, and scabies in endemic areas of central Africa, Latin America, India and Southeast Asia.  It has since been included on the WHO’s “List of Essential Medicines with now over 4 billion doses administered. Numerous studies report low rates of adverse events, with the majority mild, transient, and largely attributed to the body’s inflammatory response to the death of  parasites and include itching, rash, swollen lymph nodes, joint paints, fever and headache. In a study which combined results from trials including over 50,000 patients, serious events occurred in less than 1% and largely associated with administration in Loa Loa infected patients. Further, according to the pharmaceutical reference standard Lexicomp, the only medications contra­indicated for use with ivermectin are the concurrent administration of anti-tuberculosis and cholera vaccines while the anticoagulant warfarin would require dose monitoring. Another special caution is that immunosuppressed or organ transplant patients who are on calcineurin inhibitors such as tacro­limus or cyclosporine or the immunosuppressant sirolimus should have close monitoring of drug levels when on ivermectin given that interactions exist which can affect these levels. A longer list of drug interactions can be found on the database of, with nearly all interactions leading to a possibility of either increased or decreased blood levels of ivermectin. Given studies showing tolerance and lack of adverse effects in human subjects given even escalating, high doses of ivermectin, toxicity is unlikely although a reduced efficacy due to decreased levels may be a concern. Finally, ivermectin has been used safely in pregnant women, children, and infants.

Can Ivermectin be given to patients with acute or chronic liver disease?

In regards to liver disease, Ivermectin is well tolerated, given that there is only a single case of liver injury reported one month after use that rapidly recovered. Ivermectin has not been associated with acute liver failure or chronic liver injury. Further, no dose adjustments are required in patients with liver disease.

Given the large and rapidly rising numbers of U.S patients with COVID-19, couldn’t a large randomized controlled trial be performed quickly?

“Peacetime” processes of waiting for “the perfect clinical trial” when we are “at war” with rising case counts, dwindling hospital beds, and increasing deaths is illogical and also unethical as above. All therapeutic decisions in medicine involve implicit risk/benefit calculations. When considering a safe, low-cost, widely available medicine that has been repeatedly shown to lead to consistent mortality and transmission decreases, deferring adoption of this therapy while waiting for “perfect” or “unassailable” data is far more likely to cause excessive harm compared to the lower risk of adopting a safe, low-cost therapy. Again, based on a minimum of the 24 controlled trials results available, the odds that ivermectin is ineffective is 1 in 67 million as per the Covid19 study research group above. Ivermectin can and will be studied in well-designed observational trials which can provide equally accurate conclusions.

The odds that, in the US, we continue to descend further into a humanitarian disaster of historically adverse economic and public health impacts is simply the current reality. Humanist pragmatism, utilizing a therapeutic benefit/safety calculation must be emphasized in place of the now standard, overly strict evidence-based medicine paradigm given the state of the current public health crisis. Further, the numerous careful analyses reporting that, in regions with ivermectin distribution campaigns, precipitous decreases in both case counts and case fatality rates occurred immediately after these efforts began, this further supports the validity and soundness of the decision to immediately adopt ivermectin in the prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19.

Multiple countries and regions have formally adopted ivermectin into their treatment guidelines, with several having done so only recently, based on the emerging data compiled by the FLCCC Alliance.

Examples include:

  • Macedonia – December 23, 2020
  • Belize – December 22,2020
  • Uttar Pradesh in Northern India – a state with 210 million people – adopted early home treatment kits which include ivermectin on October 10, 2020
  • State of Alto Parana in Paraguay – September 6, 2020
  • Capital City of Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh – August 22, 2020
  • State of Chiapas, Mexico – August 1, 2020
  • 8 state health ministries in Peru – Spring/summer 2020
  • Lima, Peru – Many clinics, districts use and distribute ivermectin, as of October the hospitals no longer use.

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