Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

By Donna Westfall – January 14, 2021

Does Democrat octogenarian California Senator have an exemption to deny the Constitutional rights of its Republican constituency?

After the November 3, 2020 election, I sent a message to my Senator’s (Feinstein and Harris) and demanded they do an audit. On January 14, 2021, I received this emailed response:

Dear Mrs. Westfall:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the 2020 presidential election and the unprecedented attempts to disrupt the peaceful transition of power.  I appreciate hearing from you, and I welcome the opportunity to respond.  

In the midst of a pandemic that continues to shake our nation, more than 150 million Americans cast ballots in the 2020 election. The results of the election were clear: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were democratically elected to be the next President and Vice President of the United States with 306 electoral votes and a popular vote margin of more than seven million.   

Despite this clear victory, there has been a dangerous effort to promote conspiracy theories and outright lies to undermine the legitimacy of the election and attempt to overturn the result.  The Justice Department found no evidence of widespread fraud, and former Attorney General Barr said there were no irregularities that could have affected the outcome of the election.  Likewise our courts—including the Supreme Court—have rejected more than 60 lawsuits filed by President Trump and his allies. 

Nonetheless, President Trump’s allies in Congress objected to certifying the Electoral College results.  Further, the baseless attempts by President Trump and his enablers to undermine a fair and properly conducted election resulted in unprecedented violence and destruction on January 6, 2021.  The world watched in shock as the President’s inflammatory words incited his supporters to unleash chaos on the United States Capitol while Congress was in the process of its constitutional duty to certify the votes. Five people, including a Capitol Police officer, were killed; numerous firearms and improvised explosive devices were discovered; and the Capitol was ransacked.  

 In the wake of this dark day in American history, I believe that President Trump needs to leave or be removed from office as soon as possible.  He must not be allowed to remain in office, causing more harm and endangering more lives.  

Free and fair elections and the peaceful transfer of power are the cornerstones of American democracy.  As your Senator, I will do everything in my power to protect the right of the people to elect their leaders.   

Once again, thank you for writing.  Should you have any other questions or comments, please call my Washington, D.C., office at (202) 224-3841 or visit my website at  You can also follow me online at YouTubeFacebook, and Twitter, and you can sign up for my email newsletter at

Best regards.

Sincerely yours,

  Dianne Feinstein
         United States Senator

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