Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

By Donna Westfall – April 1, 2017 -[custom-facebook-feed]

I guess it all started with unexpected changes on our board of supervisors.  It took everyone by surprise when Chairman Howard said the words, “I quit.”  We all knew he had been under a lot of stress ever since the ACLU began an investigation of his leadership on the board when he violated the 1st amendment of the Constitution by turning off the microphone from a citizen whose views he did not agree with.  Then things really took another unexpected turn when Supervisor Hemmingsen said “Well if Howard is out of here, so am I.”

With the Recall of Supervisor Cowan well underway for her self-serving votes to send herself to Japan and to Washington D.C. at county expense, the remaining members were able to appoint reasonable people to the board.

New members of the board created a positive atmosphere and dynamic for change.

The roadblocks to a bypass for Last Chance Grade crumbled when Supervisors Berkowitz and Gitlin were able to go to Washington D.C. and convince the Speaker of the House of Representatives to include the replacement for LCG to the Trump plan to spend one trillion dollars on infrastructure.  Sometimes you can hear the jackhammers at work on the new bypass from Crescent City.

Along with the new spirit of getting things done for Del Norte County came the renewed effort to clean up and fix up.  The new board decided that a clean county was important for growth to take place and they dedicated needed resources to get rid of blight. New businesses decided to locate here bringing a new Winco supermarket to town which had the effect of lowering grocery prices for everyone.

Under pressure from the state legislature, led by Assemblyman Wood, Sutter Coast Hospital decided to post their ordinary and customary charges right in the lobby for all to see.

State Senator McGuire’s bill that mandated that gas prices for cities within 50 miles of the border of Oregon could be no higher than what is paid for gas in that state, passed and was signed by Governor Brown last week.

Yes, there has been a remarkable change to our county where everyone is working together for positive  change.

But wait… no, say it can’t be…  What!  It’s April Fools Day?  Well it looks like we will have to wait a little longer for these positive changes.


3 thoughts on “It’s A True Miracle!”
  1. This would actually be funny if I wasn’t so disappointed to find out it is not true. My guess is the three “self-serving door mats for the STAKEHOLDERS”, voted in as representatives for the public, are secure on the board no matter what they have to pay. Exactly how much is your integrity, values, morals worth at the “Stakeholder’s market”. I guess when you have sold your integrity you have stooped to an all time low and have positioned yourself so low that you have to look up to see down. I believe in karma and there is no doubt in my mind that each of you will be karmel-ized at some point in time. I can hear your knees shaking from the fear of having to stand alone and be responsible for your own, individual, unjustifiable actions.

  2. Gurl, that was a good one…it is 0015 hours a.m. and I am just reading this thinking OMG, well wishful thinking…lol…

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