Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

By Donna Westfall – February 24, 2017 – Take a look-see at the February 7th letter from Gov. Brown’s Executive Secretary to the National Governor’s Association Exec. Director and CEO.  See anything wrong with it?


There are three more pages that include all kinds of bridges and highway work, rail and transit work, water recycling, water reliability, flood control, ecosystem enhancement, emergency response and military and veterans projects.


If ever there was a case to be made for forming the State of Jefferson it’s this:  When Gov. Brown’s office talks about “these projects will benefit businesses up and down the state and put thousands to work” don’t believe it because if our Highway goes into the ocean, Del Norte County is up a creek without a paddle.






5 thoughts on “It’s true. Not one cent for Del Norte County out of $100 billion requested by Gov. Brown”
  1. Jesse, now you know what a form letter looks like it’s blah… blah… blah. Now you also know that the governor did not include LCG in his list of 51 projects. In fact there seems to be only one project located north of Sacramento. So the 38 counties located South of Sacramento got 95% of the projects while the 20 counties got just 5%. That’s the way it always has been and the way it will always be until we get actively involved and support the Great American Renewal Program or another project that actually gets state and federal funding to long neglected counties.

    What do you think, Jesse?

  2. I fail to see how breaking into a new state would help. If anything, We’d end up quickly looking like Detroit, MI if we broke away to become our own State.

  3. The state throws hundreds of millions of dollars into Del Norte county as it is in the form of PBSP and other government work. How a county can be so poor with so many government jobs is beyond comprehension. Short end of is – why throw money into this county when many of the people who live here are morons who trash their own environment and ruin their own city? The money should go to an area that isn’t full of inbred morons.

  4. I like the idea of Jefferson State, but in the mean time let’s ALL lobby together to get L.C.G. added to this initial list of projects. I think all the board members, the local transportation commission, and Caltrans would support sending info to the governor’s office. What do you think, Bob?

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