Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

By Jaime Yarbrough – July 1, 2022

Am still working (sort of) on my final chapter of ‘brainwashing’
in my “Why Do I Need to Know about Science” column. But in
our last Crescent City Times Staff meeting a few topics were brought up I
thought were worth bringing to the community’s attention.

Sam has delivered an excellent article about our community
swimming pool. As we discussed it I was reminded of….in the
olden days . . . I think I was @ 7 years old (3rd grade) circa 1959
and the county had a swimming program where parents could
send their children (via school busses) to ‘Gurney’s Pool’ in the
Gasquet loop. Buck Gurney gladly offered the possibly one and
only pool in the county for swimming lessons. The bus rides
were the best part with everyone’s adrenalin pumping we
would sing a variety of camp songs. It’s where I learned ’99
bottles of beer on the wall” and others I can only remember a
few words of.

There were no rules except, no running, and no one in the pool
45 minutes after eating (anything). There was a snack bar for
‘snacks’ and beverages. Various age groups attended and the
highlights were after learning how to swim, getting to go into

the ‘deep end’ and diving off the diving board. It was a glorious
time to be a kid. Reflecting on todays ‘situation’ I was
saddened to learn there are currently (possibly) less than 30 full
time users of the Endert’s Pool. Very few if any children. There
is no support from the “Parks and Recreation Department”/
School District to see the county’s kids know how to swim. Nor
are there any ‘swim teams’ like there are football, baseball,
basketball and tennis teams. As I pondered out loud why that
couldn’t happen again I was quickly reminded of the ‘sue
yourself rich crowd’ and the first kid who skins their knee closes
down any effort for a private pool owner to follow in the
footsteps of the past. And heavens forbid the cost . . . ??
This is where I hung my head in disbelief….asking ‘How did we
do it then ?’

NEXT UP- Gamblng in California

As most of you have seen there is a drive by the ‘tribes’ in
California to keep control of their semi-monopoly of gaming in
the State. Aside from government sanctioned horse racing, card
rooms and the lottery, OR on a sovereign nations property
there will be no casinos/slot machines/ or card
gambling…unless the proposed online gaming measure is
passed in November by ‘greedy corporations’ bent on depriving
the tribes from their supportive income. This is NOT Nevada.

Supposedly, if you vote for the measure you are opening the
gates of hell and taking the food from native American
children… and the money that they so frequently use to buy up
more of California land. Plus or minus the evils of gambling,
and gambling addiction this is a complex issue, but with the
current casinos we are half way down that road already and
there’s no turning back. Something to consider and research.

3 . . . . The 53 rd Gasquet Raft Race

“Sponsored by The American Legion Post 548
Come join us at the 53rd Annual Gasquet Raft Race on July 9,

  1. Sign-ups start at 10AM at the American Legion Hall. The
    race Starts at 12PM at the forks. The sign-up fee this year is
    $35.00 which includes a t-shirt. There will be prizes for the
    winner of the race and for Best Raft. We will have Taylor’s
    hotdogs for sale, vendors, and Port-O-Pints will be there with
    beer. The American Legion bar will also be opened and a
    Margarita stand. There will be live music as well. Please join us
    for our first Official Raft Race in three years! Thank you to all of
    our contributors for this years race.
    As always, it is hosted by the American Legion, and all proceeds
    are for the benefit of the community and the veterans. We
    would greatly appreciate any and all much needed monetary
    donations, which are tax deductible. NON-PROFIT NUMBER-

Checks can be made payable to American Legion, mail to: PO
Box 375, Gasquet, Ca. 95543.
Thank you in advance for keeping the tradition alive!

Gasquet Raft Race Admin”
[Taken from the website]

2 thoughts on “Jaime’s July Potpourri”
  1. Gambling, PLEASE leave American Indians alone, no one twists anyones arm to Gamble it can be fun if you limit yourself, like too much chocolate, beer, wine, let us keep big business out of American Indian Casinos it’s their choice.

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