Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

January 3, 2018 – Announcement of Intention to Run- District 3 Supervisor

After much consideration and reflection, today I filed a “Notice of Intention” to run for District 3 Supervisor, Del Norte County.

Throughout my evaluations, I considered, “can we do better towards making District 3 and Del Norte County a more attractive, more prosperous, and safer place for visitors and residents?” I believe that we can; that is why I intend to run.

There are two important conditions of my future candidacy:

1). I will be 100% financing and coordinating my campaign

2). I will not actively seek organization endorsements, particularly endorsements that might compromise decision-making

I believe most of you are aware of my positions on important issues. Over the coming months, I will be discussing issues important to District 3 residents while sharing my experience, qualifications, and views.

In February I will begin collecting signatures (need 20, will collect 40) for a nomination petition formalizing my candidacy. The petition does not declare your support for a particular candidate, but allows the candidate to get on the ballot so choices can be made.

I would like to get out to folks starting this month to discuss the nomination process, and to get my “name” out there. I want to collect signatures from each major area of District 3 (Hiouchi, Gasquet, Smith River). If you are interested, I could definitely use your help in providing contacts for groups I could meet with.

This might include church groups, neighborhood watches, local organizations, etc., within District 3. Potential signers of a petition must be current registered voters that live in District 3. Party affiliation does not matter.

I have valued your friendship and support over the years, and welcome any advice, suggestions, or encouragement you might have. I will look forward to meeting with you soon. Thank you for your consideration.

4 thoughts on “Jake Smith announces candidacy for 3rd District Supervisor position”
  1. Mr. Jake Smith, Sir;

    You were @ GMHP in Gasquet yesterday handing out brochure flyers on yourself and your objectives running for Del Norte County Supervisor & you had noooooooo earthly idea you’d meet a resident here in Gasquet and@ GMHP-Gasquet Mobile Home Park that’s a Son of A “Beatnik Poet”/“Merry Prankster”, did you Mr. Jake?!!! As yes I’ve been a Stagehand/Drum & Keyboard Tech in R&R/The Music Industry for the past 47 years, from 11 years of age picking up garbage/trash crew @ Woodstock because of my adopted dad, Mr. Hugh Romney his real birth/book author name but he’s nortoriously known for his R&R Icon name, “Wavy Gravy!!!” And I looked over your brochure flyer and I see you are one of the board of directors of RCT & I right away I wanna contact you, to invite you back here to my home for coffee and talkin’ Politics if you won’t mind that to terribly Mr. Jake as I’m a Business Management Major outta UC Berkeley & I went to UCLA for Politics, Political Science & Conscienceness & Being A Hog Farmer, who are us children of ”The Merry Pranksters” who were “The Beatnik Poets” even b4 that hello?!!! Ding!!! Ding!!! Ding!!! As weeeeee are all known to be “The Political Hipoies!!!” Yes we call the police and politicians ON THEIR SHIT , & they CANNOT stand us for it!!! Calling Us ON OUR SHIT is quite alright huh, but when weeeeeeeeee docit to them it’s a whole ball game huh?!!! Or all of sudden OUR LIFE/LIVES automatically gets screwed/miserable for us from ALL directions too I might add?!!! Because yes, weeeeeee are calling the police & politicians on their shit!!! HELLO?!!! Ding!!! Ding!!!

    Being a new resident of Gasquet and of Del Norte County I have great, happy & productive/positive visions for Gasquet, CC & Del Norte County as I whole really & would LOVE to talk to you about them all too, why?!!! Because YOU ARE THE MAN & YOU ARE GONNA BEEEEEE OUR NEXT Del Norte Supervisor, THAT IS WHY!!! Thank you!!! Woruld you even care to sit w/me here @ my home for an afternoon perhaps and discuss things in greater detail of what I’m saying and writing to you right now Mr. Jake Smith Sir or nooooooooo?!!! And I say Sir, just for nothing else but outta respect!!! Thank you reading this and getting back to meeeeee on this too, ASAP!!! If you doooooooooooo?!!! Thank you Mr. Jake Smith, The Next Supervisor of Del Norte County!!! HAIL YEAH!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! Thank you, Mr. Jake Smith!!!

    My background just a bit for you to read here and know, thank you Mr. Jake…………..
    11, @ Woodstock Trash Crew!!!
    13, w/ZZ TOP!!! Drum Texh, trained!!!
    15, w/Steely Dan!!! Keyboard Tech, trained!!!
    In between all of this time though, I also worked for…..Willie Nelson & Family, Fleetwood Mac, Charlie Pride, Red Steagall & Marty Robbins!!!
    17, w/Blues Image!!! One Hit Wonder Band, w/“”Ride Captain Ride!!!”
    21, w/BGP & GDP, from 1981-‘95!!! BGP-“Bill Graham Presents” from 1981-90, 2001-2016 w/BGP; Clear Channel, Alive Nation & now AXS; & then GDP-“Grateful Dead Productions”, from 1981-‘95!!!
    1994, w/“Bela Fleck/Flecktones” & “Allman Brothers Band!!!”
    1995, when MR. Jerry Garcia died and ended my career w/them, I went onto “Iron Butterfly” & “Steppenwolf” separate Tours!!!
    1996, w/The Moody Blues, Lynyrd Skynyrd Band, Reunion w/Steely Dan, MISFITS, The Doobie Bothers & HEART; all separate Tours!!!
    1997, one night gigs only and somewhat of a blur sorry!!! Hahaha!!!
    1998, w/Bonnie Raitt!!! W/Keb’ Mo’ opening!!!
    1999, w/Jethro Tull, Iron Madien, David Byrne, MOTORHEAD & George Clinton/PFUNK all separate Tour Dates too!!!
    2000, one night gigs and DEFINITELY a blur sorry!!! Hahaha!!!
    1989, ‘01, ‘08, ‘10, ‘12 & ‘15 w/Ringo Starr/All Starr Band!!!
    1989, ‘94, ‘99, ‘03, ‘96, ‘09 & ‘12 w/The Who!!!
    1989, ‘94, ‘99, ‘03, ‘06, ‘09, ‘12 w/The Rolling Stones!!!
    198, ‘94, ‘99, ‘01, ‘03, ‘09 w/Pink Floyd!!! And in 2013 Roger Waters The Wall Tour!!!
    2001, Ringo Starr/AllStarr Band!!!
    2002, w/REO Speed Wagon!!!
    2003, w/YES, WAR; EWF-Earth Wind & Fire & Los Lobos, all separate tour dates!!!
    2004, w/David Bowie East Coast USA Tour only!!!
    2005, w/Trips: Stanley Clarke, Bela Fleck & Jon Luc-Ponty!!! The Go Go’s & The B52’s, all separate tour dates!!!
    2006, w/KORN!!!
    2007, one night gigs only and somewhat of a blur also!!!
    2008, w/Styx opening for Boston!!!
    2009, w/Styx again, opening for REO Speed Wavon!!! Ended up working for both bands!!!
    2010, w/The “MISFITS” on a 6 City Tour of Australia & Auckland New Zealand for one night concert there on 1/2/11!!! Peter Jackson was our tour guide for 9 days showing us how and where he filmed…”Lord Of The Rings!!!”
    2011 Europe Summer Tour, w/Iron Butterfly, Iron Maiden & MOTORHEAD separate Tours!!!
    2012, w/Fleetwood Mac, Bob Seger/Silver a Bullet Band, The Moody Blues, Black Sabbath Heaven & Hell West Coast Tour Only, from Denver to Seattle to San Diego!!!
    2013, w/Roger Waters A he Wall Tour!!!
    2014, w/George Clinton/PFUNK, Bob Seger, The Moody Blues, Fleetwood Mac, Morris Day & The Time; O’Jay’s & The Temptations!!!
    2015, w/Wishbone Ash, Bone Thugs-N-Harmony!!! And w/Buddy Guy & Jeff Beck both as Buddy opened for Jeff on this tour too!!! Then a three festival working for….The Gregg Allman Band, Chicago, Edgar Winter Band, Pablo Cruise, Ringo Starr/All Starr Band, The Doobie Brothers & America!!!
    2016, one night gig only and my last concert to work R&R/The Music Industry was Rhe One & Only Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons on 9/1/16 in Saratoga, Cal!!! And my first day on retirement was on…..9/2/16, yeah!!! Yay!!! Yay!!! Yay!!!

    1. Thank you, Mr. Faure! I enjoyed talking with you yesterday and especially appreciated the angel-voiced Barbra Streisand music on the stereo! I believe we can all work together to solve problems, and celebrate successes.

      Look forward to speaking with you in the future.

  2. Hi Jake, I don’t know any of your positions on any issues. Please name three important issues to the county and your basic position on them. Thank you, third district voter.

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