Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

By Donna Westfall – October 29, 2018 –  On Wednesday, October 24th, we joined gubernatorial candidate, John Cox at the Eureka Rescue Mission. When we all left the mission, a small convoy of cars followed John. Two detectives were assigned to chauffeur him around the city so that he could witness first hand the homeless in the streets and those living in cars.

After the caravan completed their task, we met up with John at Kristina’s Restaurant located at 250 W. 5th Street in Eureka.  The manager, Roshdi Haddad, thought I was John PR’s person.  Once that was straightened out, we were shown to the back room so that camera’s and microphones would not disturb their breakfast patrons.

Several Crescent City people submitted questions.  One of the first discussions we had centered around the public school system, the unions and big business.

During the 1950’s, California was first in the nation for public education. That’s no longer the case.

One thing that makes my blood boil is when I see taxpayers money wasted.  Our public education system is currently 47th in the nation and if I had my way, I’d want to disband the California Teachers Association who has been a hindrance in turning around a broken system.  I’m not against unions per se.  I’m against unions becoming so powerful that their purpose is distorted. John Cox is not as fanatic as I am.

And, I realize that not all the problems of public education should get hung around the neck of the unions.  However, when I learned that the California Federation of Teachers Union contributed $58,400, and the California Teachers Association contributed $58,400 as well as two dozen other unions, businesses, etc., it’s not hard to understand how a politician like Newsom can become detached from the issues and cater to big business and the unions.

Unfortunately, music was playing in the background during our interview.  If you have a hard time hearing our conversation, here it is in print:

JC:  “My mom was a Chicago Teachers Union member.  So, I am not anti-union at all.  I’m for collective bargaining, but here’s what’s happened.  These groups, by the way,  it’s big business as well as big labor.  It’s both.  Make that point clear. But, they both compete to buy politicians.  Did you see Gavin Newsom’s ad’s on TV?”

DW:  “No, we don’t watch TV.”

JC:  “Well, people around here do a little bit.  Those ads are paid for by these groups.”

Back at our office, I looked up how much Gavin Newsom received in campaign contributions.  $41 million.  It included unions, lobbyists, big business, George Soros and more.

I looked up John Cox’s contributions.  $11 million.  About half of that was from his own funds. No unions. No lobbyists.  No big business.

Well have more video up by tomorrow.






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