Wed. Mar 19th, 2025
Yes on 92

KGW Channel 8 Political Analyst Len Bergstein:
“I think the ‘yes’ side is going to end up winning”
Contribute to the Yes on 92 Emergency Recount Response Team >>

Donna,This is H-U-G-E:

After KGW Channel 8 initially called the Measure 92 race for the No side, long-time KGW political analyst Len Bergstein now says that he believes the YES side will be victorious!

As we head into a statewide recount, it’s incredibly heartening to hear outside voices saying what we’ve known all along – that no matter what Monsanto and their big money allies throw at us, our pro-labeling coalition is too strong to ever be counted out. And right now we need that strength more than ever.

To prepare for the recount, we have to build our team of legal experts, volunteers and more to ensure that every vote is counted fairly and accurately. That takes resources, and a lot of them. That’s why we need your help.

Contribute $35 to the Yes on 92 Emergency Recount Response Fund right now and your donation will immediately be put to work building the infrastructure that will ensure that every vote is fairly counted. 

During this campaign, big pesticide and junk food companies like Monsanto, DuPont, PepsiCo and Kraft spent record-shattering amounts of corporate cash to crush GMO labeling in Oregon. Now, they’re ready to fight tooth and nail on the recount – so we need to be prepared to work just as hard.

We need to raise $150,000 by the time the recount starts to be able to deploy our Emergency Recount Response Team across Oregon.

Donna, can you chip in to help ensure that every vote is counted fairly and accurately? 

Thank you,

Oregon Label GMOs 2014


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