Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

By Freedom Writer – November 18, 2021

The agenda’s for tomorrow’s meeting (Friday, November 19th) are completely changed. First their agenda that starts at 3 pm:

They completely POSTPONED our AGENDA ITEMS –

Postponed – the 2020 Annual Report

Postponed – the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Discussion and

Postponed – the ACTION Item to create an ADHOC Subcommittee to finish the new 2020 Annual Report.

I will be fighting to request a SPECIAL MEETING in 2 WEEKS and to place the original 3 ITEMS on the new Agenda.

But we are making progress, since DNSUD Law firm has inserted itself in our agenda. We still need our own legal counsel.


The second agenda Starts at 3:30 pm.

This is the Special Study session and power point telling us about our Rules and Responsibilities as a COC.

Interesting. This should have been done at the BEGINNING when we were first sworn in. However, their presentation is really trying to stop us from becoming a LEGAL and INDEPENDENT committee.  DNUSD lawyers CANNOT legally consult us objectively. Its a conflict of interest. They represent DNUSD. All the more reason why we need to be an INDEPENDENT and LEGAL entity of our own.

To refresh your memories, when the Sample Ballot came out on Measure A, written information that was inserted by former DNUSD President Faith Crist and Asst. Superintendent Rodney Jahn, stated how they PROMISED an Independent COC. This was PROMISED to the voters. 

Lastly, here is information about Prop 39 along with frequently asked questions about COC’s.

Proposition 39

Is Your CBOC Independen

“On November 7, 2000, California voters reduced the voter approval threshold for school and community college district general obligation bonds from two-thirds (2/3) voter approval to 55% voter approval. Proposition 39 amends article XVIII A of the California Constitution … . ” 1 The California Legislature, as part of the Proposition 39 implementation legislation, enacted Education Code Section 15278 which establishes Citizens’ Oversight Committees.

Education Code Section 15278 Citizens’ Oversight Committee
provides that if a bond measure authorized pursuant to Proposition 3 9 is approved, ” … the governing board of the school district or community college district shall establish
and appoint members to an independent citizens’ oversight committee, pursuant to Section 15282 Article 2
within 60 days of the date that the governing board enters the election results on its minutes pursuant to Section 15274.” 3 (emphasis added).

Definition of “Independent” is helpful in the context of Education Code Section 15278 an
“independent citizens’ oversight committee”. In this context
defines “independent” as follows:
• “not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct,
etc.; thinking or acting for oneself.”
• “not subject to another’s authority or jurisdiction; autonomous; free”
• “not influenced by the thought or action of others.”
• “capable of acting for oneself or on one’s own.”

Is Your CBOC Independent?

An independent CBOC needs to answer each of these twelve ( 12) questions with a

  1. Can you prepare your own agenda?
  2. Can you meet whenever you want?
  3. Can you approve your own bylaws?
  4. Can you establish subcommittees?
  5. Do you have your own budget?
  6. Do you have ability to post documents to the CBOC website?
  7. Does the District provide you with all documents requested?
  8. Do you have independent legal counsel who works for the CBOC?
  9. Do you receive and accept the annual financial and performance audit
  10. Does the CBOC prepare and issue its annual report including compliance
  11. Can CBOC members talk with contractors, architects, consultants, and
    auditors without restriction?
  12. Can CBOC members visit construction sites?

Most of the answers are NO!

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