Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

By Dan Schultz – August 28, 2023

Update on the status of Our Sustainable Ecovillage:

This is our situation: while there were some structures that the forest fire spared, every LITTLE thing is gone.  Books, seeds, pads of paper, pots and pans, pictures/albums of your children, every single TOOL, batteries, photovoltaic systems, etc. Picture every useful, handy, and necessary item you own that makes life WORK.  Gone.

All that is left to do, the ONLY thing we can do is humbly accept the help of our greater community in a reboot/rebuild and restore our working systems.

You can help.

Many times we all, inevitably, just have extra stuff.  Even if it’s clutter, something that might (or should) go to a future garage sale — we don’t have any of those any more!!

Our initial phase is to restore water and safekeeping for animals here.  If anyone has, or knows of, extra water tanks — all of ours burned up.  Bigger the better, but even 250 gallon tanks will make things work here. 1 1/2 inch potable polypipe spools of them). Chainsaws — any saws — drill divers, solar panels, hoses, ratchet sets, screws, nails, shovels, garden tools. LUMBER — we can use scraps from other projects you’ve finished.

We’d like to give back for all the generosity and positive intentions — free stays in our Hobbit Hole, TreeHouse or Earthships Solarium. All survived the fire intact.

Our GoFundMe page is at: if that is possible and you feel so moved.

To send anything via courier/mail
Dan Schultz  PO Box 246 Gasquet, CA 95543

We’ll hold a help out gathering/cleanup/rebuild on Saturday, September 8th, 15th, and 22nd, 9am-3pm  Julia’s making pancakes and providing lunches of organic goodness.  Bring gloves and whatever might help us get back up running.  Please and thank you.

What it was like Before

What it’s like Now 

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