By Grigette Gabriel – April 23, 2024
Under the helm of the Biden Administration’s Department of Education, spearheaded by Marxist Gender Abolitionists, their once-unimaginable victory has trampled the foundational principles of America’s Judeo-Christian heritage by eradicating the very notion of gender itself.Under the guise of progressivism, unelected bureaucrats within the Department of Education have lawlessly created new rules deconstructing Title IX’s conventional notion of sex discrimination, which acknowledges only two sexes, capitulating to the radical agenda that seeks to dissolve the inherent, fundamental distinctions ordained by nature and upheld by millennia of human civilization.In their zeal to deconstruct societal norms, they have ushered in a dark era where truth is sacrificed on the altar of ideological conformity, leaving the sanctity of life, family, and faith in its wake.Perhaps it’s time to direct the abolition efforts towards the US Department of Education itself, a long-overdue endeavor deserving of serious consideration, and restore States as the sole arbiter for setting education standards. |
Gender is Abolished! Biological Girls/Women’s Sports is Abolished! Sex Discrimination is No Longer Rooted in Biological Sex! Zero Privacy Between Biological Sexes in Bathrooms, Locker-rooms, Showers, and Changing Areas Despite Obscenity and Indecency Laws in All 50 States! Any Concerns for Safety or Discomfort with Mixing Sexes In Any Context, Anywhere on Campus Treated as Sex Discrimination or Harassment, Silencing Students Who Object! Unconstitutionally Abolishes Due Process for Those Accused of Discrimination! Abolishes Parental Rights and Notification of Student Pronoun Changes and More! |

Read: Department of Education’s New Title IX Rule Just as Bad as Expected
Sarah Parshall Perry | Daily Signal | April 19, 2024 | Condensed
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Brigette Gabriel is founder of Act for America