Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

By Donna Westfall – May 20, 2018 –

Matt Heath with Craig Bradford and Donna Westfall

When a politician emphatically says they’re against any new taxes, they’ve got my attention.  I met Matt Heath at Del Norte County Republican Headquarters on Saturday afternoon, May 19th and listened to him speak. Here’s his bio:

This information is provided by the candidate
Matt Heath, born and raised in New Jersey, graduated college in 1998 with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. Matt was a K-12 substitute teacher before moving to California where he met and married, his wife, Jampa. Five years later, in 2005, they were blessed with the birth of their son Tenzin. Sonoma County soon became their home.

Matt owns and operates a small meat distribution company in Santa Rosa and has seen first hand how government regulation adds burdensome costs that hurt business owners, workers and the local economy.

Matt got involved in politics in 2009, when he took a seat as a school board trustee on the Gravenstein Union School District in Sonoma County. After studying the district budget, seeing the financial health of the district, Matt helped defeat a local property tax increase. District residence tax burdens were reduced resulting in more resources to deal with the economic housing market collapse that was hitting the community.

Matt has worked precinct politics throuhgout Sonoma County since 2009. Organizing phone banking and precinct walking in Cotati, Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Windsor, and through out the North Coast. Matt will use this experience to compete by going door to door and voter to voter.

Sacramento must once again represent the people. Matt Heath is running to represent the North Coast and 100+ communities that believe in the fundamental principle of freedom. Please join Matt in legalizing freedom and bringing prosperity back to he North Coast!

Matt and his family currently live in Santa Rosa, California.

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