Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Commentary By Linda Sutter – August 8, 2022

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Prior to the June Election, it was determined by the Board of Supervisors and CAO Neal Lopez that the Repeal of Measure R could not be placed on the June Ballot due to the fact they needed to conduct an “impact study”.

It comes as no surprise that the impact study was never conducted, but now, they are requesting an impact study. Hence, liar liar pants on fire is appropriate.

Keep in mind little Norma Williams stomps her little feet up to the podium and touts the importance of keeping Measure R, as any good union rep would. However, Ms. Williams doesn’t take the time to count the money or sees where it goes, nor does she care.

Fact of the matter is after researching the $748,000.00 expense for the sheriff’s department, after adding up the monthly increase of wages, $200,000.00 was unaccounted for. Yep, you can’t add the planning departments’ new people into the equation.

But even the measure R oversight committee, which is clearly against the best interest of the people’s precious tax dollars, couldn’t see or figure that out.

On Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors Agenda item number 23 is requesting the Auditor to conduct an impact study regarding what will happen if Measure R is taken away. We can all expect a negative report because that is what elected officials do right?

Keep in mind there was so much money generated through last year’s taxes (not Measure R) that the county was able to purchase two patrol cars and an inmate van without using Measure R.

Additionally, keep in mind that Del Norte County Sheriff department was awarded $3.2 million dollars to fix the Jail.

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